Professor and Chairman at the Department of Biomedical Engineering
Office: (852) 3943 8454
Email: kytong@cuhk.edu.hk
Address: Rm 429, Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building, CUHK
Research Interests
Professor Raymond Kai-yu Tong obtained his B.Eng in Computer Engineering with the highest honor from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 1995 and received his PhD in Bioengineering from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, in 1998. Next year, he joined the Hong Kong Polytechnic University served as the program leader of B.Sc in Biomedical Engineering until 2014. From 2016-2017, he was Biomedical Engineering Programme Director and Graduate Division Head at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and now he is serving as Chairman of Department of Biomedical Engineering at CUHK.
His research interests include rehabilitation robot, motion-based rehabilitation software and functional electrical stimulation system for persons after stroke. Over these years, he has made great strides in developing a wide range of rehabilitation devices. His innovative work on rehabilitation robot system “Hand of Hope” was the first Hong Kong invention to have received the grand prize in the 40-year history of the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (2012). Recently, his project “Wearable Exoskeleton Robot for Walking” won a Gold medal with the congratulations of the jury at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (2016), making Hong Kong internationally visible in this emerging area in healthcare technology.
He is presently the Chairman of Hong Kong Local Responible Person (LRP) and Asia Regulatory Professional Association (ARPA) – Hong Kong Academy and a senior Member of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society of the IEEE and Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers (HKIE). He is also a full professor in the Division of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Electronic Engineering, and by courtesy of Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) to continue his research, teaching and service to the community.
Selected Publications
- Jack Wong, Tong KY (Book Editors). “Handbook of Medical Device Regulatory Affairs in Asia.” 2nd Edition, 2018, Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore, eBook ISBN 9780429996771. [Link] https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9780429504396
- Tong KY (Book Editors). “Wearable Technology in Medicine and Health Care”. 1st Edition, Academic Press, 2018, eBook ISBN: 9780128498811, Paperback ISBN: 9780128118108 [Link] https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780128118108/wearable-technology-in-medicine-and-health-care
- Jack Wong, Tong KY (Book Editors). “Handbook of Medical Device Regulatory Affairs in Asia.” 2013, Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore, ISBN-10:9814411213, ISBN-13:978-9814411219. [Link] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/293123343_Handbook_of_medical_device_regulatory_affairs_in_Asia
- Tong KY (Book Editor). “Biomechatronics in Medicine and Health Care.” 2011, Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore, ISBN-10:981424161X, ISBN-13:978-9814241618 [Link] https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/soro.2017.0125
- HL Heung, KY Tong*, ATH Lau, Z Li*. “Robotic Glove with Soft-Elastic Composite Actuators for Assisting Activities of Daily Living.” Soft Robotics, 2019; 6(2):289-304. [Link] https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/soro.2017.0125
- LF Yeung, C Ockenfeld, MK Pang, HW Wai, OY Soo, SW Li, KY Tong*. “Randomized controlled trial of robot-assisted gait training with dorsiflexion assistance on chronic stroke patients wearing ankle-foot-orthosis.” Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 2018; 15(1):51. [Link] https://jneuroengrehab.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12984-018-0394-7
- X Wang, W Wong, R Sun, WC Chu, KY Tong*. “Differentiated effects of robot hand training with and without neural guidance on neuroplasticity patterns in chronic stroke.” Frontiers in Neurology, 2018; 9:810. [Link] https://dx.doi.org/10.3389%2Ffneur.2018.00810
- Z Lu, RK Tong*, X Zhang, S Li, P Zhou. “Myoelectric Pattern Recognition for Controlling a Robotic Hand: A Feasibility Study in Stroke.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering( Early Access ), 2018. [Link] https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8365845
- Z Lu, K Tong, H Shin, A Stampas, P Zhou. “Robotic Hand-Assisted Training for Spinal Cord Injury Driven by Myoelectric Pattern Recognition: A Case Report.” American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 2017; doi: 10.1097. [Link] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28704209
- Z Lu, K Tong, H Shin, S Li, P Zhou. “Advanced Myoelectric Control for Robotic Hand-assisted training: outcome from a stroke patient.” Frontiers in neurology, 2017; 8:107. [Link] https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2017.00107