Institute of Ageing - Public Education Programme Institute of Ageing

Smart Elderly Television Programme series

  • To promote positive aging and raise the awareness of the general public on various ageing-related issues, the Institute and Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) produced a series TV programme entitled “Smart Elderly” for broadcasting on TVB and RTHK Channel 31. The programme highlighted various topics faced by the elderly such as financial arrangement, manpower issues in elderly care service industry; care for older people with dementia; home design and product design for older people; older people living alone; post-retirement work and life; relationship of older people with family members and relationship with spouses.  The first episode was broadcasted by 30 June 2015. 

  • RTHK had also launched a story telling competition and invited people aged 50 or above to participate. For details, please click here.

  • Broadcast Period:
  • Please click here to view the press release of the "Smart Elderly" TV programme


  • Please click here  to view the 10-episode CADENZA TV Series co-produced by CADNEZA and RTHK in 2009.

  • "Smart Elderly" TV Programme Highlight


  • Poster