Pro-Vice-Chancellor / Vice-President of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Director of the Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Office: (852) 3943 6878
Email: chanwy@cuhk.edu.hk
Address: Room 107, University Administration Building, CUHK
ORCID: 0000-0002-9714-0936
CUHK Website: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/governance/officers/chan-wai-yee/english/biography.html
Research interests
1. Functional genomics and epigenetic regulation of germ cell development in health and diseases
2. Functional genomics of developing male gonad
3. Molecular genetics of human endocrine disorders
4. Non-coding RNA, antisense transcript, and microRNA in normal and abnormal development
5. Genetics and genomics of fetal development
Selected Publications
- Cheung HH, Lee TL, Davis AJ, Taft DH, Rennert OM, Chan WY. “Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling reveals novel epigenetically regulated genes and non-coding RNAs in human testicular cancer.” British Journal of Cancer, 2010; 102(2):419-427.
- Cheung HH, Davis AJ, Lee TL, Pang AL, Nagrani S, Rennert OM, Chan WY. “Methylation of an intronic region regulates miR-199a in testicular tumor malignancy.” Oncogene, 2011; 30(31):3405-3415.
- Lee TL, Raitano JM, Rennert OM, Chan SW, Chan WY. “Accessing the genomic effects of naked nanoceria in murine neuronal cells.” Nanomedicine, 2012; 8(5):599-608.
- Kaipparettu BA, Ma Y, Park JH, Lee TL, Zhang Y, Yotnda P, Creighton CJ, Chan WY, Wong LJ. “Crosstalk from non-cancerous mitochondria can inhibit tumor properties of metastatic cells by suppressing oncogenic pathways.” PLoS One, 2013; 8(5):e61747.
- Gu S, Cheung HH, Lee TL, Lu G, Poon WS, Chan WY. “Molecular mechanisms of regulation and action of microRNA-199a in testicular germ cell tumor and glioblastomas.” PLoS One, 2013; 8(12):e83980.
- Tsang WH, Wang B, Wong WK, Shi S, Chen X, He XJ, Gu S, Hu JB, Wang CD, Liu PC, Lu G, Chen XF, Zhao H, Poon WS, Chan WY, Feng B. “LIF-dependent primitive neural stem cells derived from mouse ES cells represent a reversible stage of neural commitment.” Stem Cell Research, 2013; 11(3):1091-1102.
- Chen BF, Gu S, Suen YK, Li L, Chan WY. “MicroRNA-199a-3p, DNMT3A and aberrant DNA methylation in testicular cancer.” Epigenetics, 2014; 9(1):119-128.
- Chen B, Chan WY. “The de novo DNA methyltransferase DNMT3A in development and cancer.” Epigenetics, 2014; 9(5):669-677.
- Chen BF, Suen YK, Gu S, Li L, Chan WY. “A miR-199a/miR-214 self-regulatory network via PSMD10, TP53 and DNMT1 in testicular germ cell tumor.” Scientific Reports, 2014; 4:6413.
- Chen X, Gu S, Chen BF, Shen WL, Yin Z, Xu GW, Hu JJ, Zhu T, Li G, Wan C, Ouyang HW, Lee TL, Chan WY. “Nanoparticle delivery of stable miR-199a-5p agomir improves the osteogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells via the HIF1a pathway.” Biomaterials, 2015; 53:239-250.