Institute of Ageing - afc_e Institute of Ageing

Jockey Club Institute of Ageing
“Show Me Around! CUHK”
Photo Competition

With a view to promoting inclusive learning environment at campus, “Show Me Around! CUHK” Photo Competition invited students to showcase the age-friendly side of CUHK campus through photos.
The competition has been successfully completed. Thank you very much for your enthusiastic support!

After assessment by the judging panel, the 1st prize, 2nd prize, 3rd prize, judge’s prize and the shortlisted entries were selected.

Congratulations to the winning photo awardees! Winners will be notified individually to receive their awards.

Let’s appreciate the age-friendly CUHK campus with the winning photos.

Winning Photos & Shortlisted Entries

1st Prize

LAI Yuk King, Lorita
After Lunch

It was a rainy day. I met the gentleman walking with the umbrella. After my greetings with him and introduced myself, I was so excited that he agreed to act as the "model" as he appreciated the objectives of this competition and supported my participation. As told, he was Mr NGAI whose three children were graduates of CUHK and he liked to have lunch with his friends at the campus which was a nice place for him. Upon my enquiry on his views about the slope, he told that it was important to him as well as to other elderly. He explained that without the slope, he had to take risk to step down. I am very happy to make friends with Mr NGAI with this opportunity.

2nd Prize

YAN Yi, Sophie


* Two awardees of 3rd Prize in arbitrary order
3rd Prize



3rd Prize

綠野環山 耆樂無窮


Judge’s Prize



Shortlised Entries
*In alphbetical order of English surname

Awardee Photo Title
CHUI Chung Leong, CiseroA Fresher Look
DU Zhenchao 杜振超悄然盛開
DU Zhenchao 杜振超衝入雲霄
DU Zhenchao 杜振超
HO Man Ching, MichelleTerrace of Dreams
HO Man Ching, MichelleSunset atop YIA
HO Man Ching, MichelleThe Colours of Spring
LAI Yeuk Hei, Heidi跳動的回憶
LAW Hei YeungBench Geometry
LAW Man Leong以淡為樂 · 凝動於靜
LI Hui ShanMountain Path
LI Sarah 李淑文鏡中人
杜茵靜心閣 —— 心如明鏡
TSOI Ka Yan, Karen 蔡嘉欣Carrying you over the years
WAI Kok Fung, HoganCrossing Paths at the Chinese Pavilion
WONG Chi Sum未圓
WONG Chi Sum盛開
WONG Chi Sum大道
WONG Chun Yu歸途暮色
WONG Hung 王鴻白雪雪
YAM Mun Chu「生樹老樹 ‧ 同坐」
YAU King Wai, Derek人約黄昏後
YAU King Wai, Derek松柏棧道
YAU King Wai, Derek左 . 右

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