Institute of Ageing - Engagement @ CUHK Institute of Ageing

The CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing place great emphasis on engagement with the University and develop meaningful intergenerational activities between students and older people. To this end, the Institute actively brings in ageing perspectives and knowledge to the campus through various channels.


  • Conduct roadshow and exhibitions to promote various ageing topics such as age-friendly city and end-of-life care, as well as ageing products and services for Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge projects
  • Organize camps for elders to experience and enjoy the scenery and cultural environment of the campus
  • Engage over 100 students to promote Age-friendly City issues through conducting district assessment and roadshows
  • Organize a photo competition in CUHK campus to raise awareness of age-friendly city among students
  • Through “Death Café” and human library activities at CUHK to encourage discussion of death and face the issues positively

Education and Training

  • Share the work of ageing and practical knowledge on anti-ageing and fall prevention to CUHK staff through "Prosperous Life, Healthy Campus" Series of Seminars and Pre-retirement Workshop respectively
  • Deliver talk importance of an age friendly communities to students from CUHK, mainland China, Japan, Korea and Singapore, in the Pan-Asian Student Forum
  • Offer and guide students on ageing-related topics in the cross-university project on U-STEMist Scheme
  • Educate students on elderly issues and partner students with elders to design and develop an asset map on Ma On Shan
  • Students educated on end-of-life topics and partnered with elders to conduct workshops for older people to complete an Advance Care Planning booklet


  • Inspire students to incorporate perspectives and experiences of older people in designing products and services under various start-up schemes such as U-STEMist Scheme, Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge and Social Service Project Scheme
  • Students have in-depth understanding and reflection through making life story books with elders
  • Inspire and attract students from different disciplines, e.g. public health, social work and urban studies, through knowledge transfer programmes, to understand and experience that the built environment poses a huge and direct impact on elders’ health and well-being, by pairing up with elders, to attend lectures, workshops and walking tours around Hong Kong
  • Co-create with CUHK students, NAWA members to develop age-friendly routes through Your Age-Friendly CUMapMaking project

The Institute thanks the support of the following units in the University which have collaborated with the Institute to organize activities.

  • Fong Yim Fun Art Gallery, Shaw College
  • S.H. Ho College
  • Lee Woo Sing College
  • Art Museum
  • Center for Entrepreneurship
  • Department of Curriculum and Instruction
  • Human Resources Department
  • I·CARE Centre
  • Institute of Chinese Medicine
  • Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control
  • Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change
  • University Library