Institute of Ageing - 健康活「腦」‧ 精叻護老論壇 Institute of Ageing

IOA Forum 1

CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing (IOA) in collaboration with CUHK Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control and the Jockey Club CADENZA Hub organized the 健康活「腦」‧ 精叻護老論壇 in CUHK on 26 April 2019. Prof. Agnes Chan (Department of Psychology, CUHK), Dr. Ruth Chan (Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, CUHK) and Dr. Maria Chui's team (IOA) shared with 200 older people on how to preserve brain and body function, nutrition intakes and community resources for elderly. There were also booths to showcase useful information by the organizing parties, including a rapid hip fracture risk assessment for participants.

IOA Forum 2   IOA Forum 5
IOA Forum 4   IOA Forum 6