Virtual Tour

Our 'CU50‧The People' video series features generations of CUHK members who have shaped the University into what it has become today: the trailblazers, those who have served the community with determination, those who have lived up to the humanistic spirit of CUHK and those whose characteristics signify the anniversary theme 'Embrace Our Culture, Empower Our Future'. Come and watch these inspiring stories!

Click here to watch 'Viva Voce' video series


Graduation Certificate of Professor Yu Ying-shih (1952) The satin (1963) Seal of the Vice-Chancellor (1964) Coat of arms (1967) ‘Asian Hero’ Award from the Time Magazine (2003) Naming Certificate of Asteroid 'Kaokuen' (1996) Naming Certificate of Asteroid 'Kaokuen' (1996) A letter from Ch'ien Mu to Tang Chun-i (1960) Student exchange programme signed up with UC (1965)


  • Temporary Closure

    In view of the latest government social distancing measures, CUHK History Gallery will remain closed until further notice.
    4 February 2022
  • Typhoon & Black Rainstorm Arrangement 1 August 2016
  • Opening Hours

    Opening Hours

    Mon to Fri: 10am - 5pm

    Sat: 12:30pm - 5pm

    Sun and Public Holiday: Closed