Cultural Fun@i-LOUNGE Nov 2020
日期 | 2 Nov 2020 and 9 Nov 2020 |
時間 | 2 Nov 2020 : 6:30pm – 8:00pm |
地點 | Live on Zoom |
語言 | English |
費用 | Free |
對象 | All CUHK students & staff |
報名/申請 | (for both workshops) |
查詢 | Enquiry: 3943 3236 | |
詳情 | 2 November 2020 (Mon) | 6:30 – 8:00pm It’s impossible to escape the global reach of US politics, especially presidential elections. It’s obvious that the outcome of the 2020 elections has an impact on the world. Polarised like never before in recent history, with trade-war-tension hanging in the air, the American people will have a big decision to make! Join us for an evening of analysis but also empathy and understanding, where we try to dive into the minds of various potential voters and attempt to see the world from their points of view, with the help of an American guest speaker.
9 November 2020 (Mon) | 6:30 – 8:00pm Germany, sitting in the heart of Europe, was for almost half a century the fault line of the cold war, where east and west, communism and capitalism met. But German divisions are older than that: from the Romans and the Germanic tribes to Martin Luther and the reformation, to Bavarians and Prussians, all the way to the 21st century, Germany has been full of contrast and contradictions. Join us for a light-hearted evening of discovery, where we look at Germans and the stereotypes they have of each other! |