In March 2017, a group of scholars gathered at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and discussed this topic. The theme of the conference is “Teaching Catholic Social Ethics and Civic Education.” After the conference, the participants revised their articles, based on the discussion in the conference and comments from peer reviews. This issue of the Hong Kong Journal for Catholic Studies is a collection of these articles.
The authors of this issue explore themes like Catholic identity and religious education; approaches in teaching CST, social justice, gender justice and civic education; case studies of teaching social ethics, religious and moral education. The 11 articles are divided into three sections.
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Table of Contents 目錄
- 目錄 (中文)
- Contents (English)
- 作者簡介 ( Contributors)
- 主編的話 (中文)
- Editor’s Word (English)
- Harold D. HORELL, “Catholic Education, Catholic Identity, and Education for Citizenship : A Selective Inquiry Based on Catholic Moral Teaching”〈天主教教育、天主教身份和公民教育:天主教倫理教導的選擇性探索〉
- Peta GOLDBURG, “Catholic Social Teaching across the Curriculum: Insights from Theory and Practice”〈跨課程的天主教社會訓導:理論與實踐的啟迪〉
- John LYDON, “Catholic Religious Education in England and Wales” 〈英倫和威爾斯的天主教宗教教育〉
- Marianne FARINA, “Dialogue and Discernment : Creative Approaches for Teaching Catholic Social Justice”〈對話和辨別:教授天主教社會正義的創意方法〉
- Stephan ROTHLIN, “Professional Ethics as Training in Civil Education” 〈專業倫理作為公民教育的訓練〉
- Shaji George KOCHUTHARA, “Moral Formation for a Gender-Just Church and Society” 〈性別公義教會和社會的倫理培育〉
- Vishalache BALAKRISHAN, “An Alternative Educational Pedagogy for Civic and Moral Education : Real-Life Moral Dilemma Discussion (Re-LiMDD)” 〈公民及倫理教育的另類教學法:現實生活中倫理難題的討論〉
- LAM Tak Shing, LEUNG Yan Wing, YUEN Wai Wah, CHONG King Man, and TANG Hei Hang, “An Evaluation Study of Teachers’ Receptivity of the Hong Kong Catholic Social Ethics Curriculum and the Training Programme’ 〈教師對天主教社會倫理課程和培訓計劃的回應:評估研究〉
- Thomas TSE and Catherine FUNG, “Multiple Identities and Social Values : An Exploratory Study of Teachers in Hong Kong’s Catholic Primary Schools” 〈香港天主教小學教師的多元身份及社會價值觀研究〉
- CHAN Shin Ying, “Intercultural Education and the Building of Global Citizenship : Developing Intercultural Competence”〈跨文化教育與世界公民身份的建立:發展跨文化能力〉
- Francis Nai Kwok CHAN and Vion Wing Kay NG, “Ideas and Reality of Religious and Moral Education in Hong Kong Catholic Schools: From the Perspective of Practicing Teachers” 〈香港天主教學校宗教及道德教育的理想與現實:前線教師的角度〉