International Conference on the Asian Ecumenical Movement
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12 April 2018
General Perspective (I)
- Rev. Prof. LAI Pan-chiu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Divine Love and Human Love: An Asian Ecumenical Revisit of Luther’s Heidelberg Disputation 1518 - Rev. Prof. AHN Kyo Seong (Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary, South Korea)
The Asian Ecumenical Movement in Historical Perspective: with Special Reference to its Contribution to Ecumenism
Doctrine and Theology
- Rev. Prof. Simon Kam Man WONG (Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan)
A Dogmatic and Liturgical Examination of Ancestor Remembrance in the Light of Karl Rahner’s Theology of Symbol and its implications on Ecumenism in the Chinese-speaking World - Dr. Marina Xiaojing WANG (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Edinburgh 1910 Onward: Cheng Jingyi, Vedanayagam S. Azariah and the Ecumenical Movement in Asia - Rev. Dr. Ambrose MONG (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Joseph Ratzinger’s Approach to Ecumenism - Prof. Philip FUENTES (University of Santo Tomas, The Philippines)
A Call for Re-interpretation of the Primacy of the Bishop of Rome: Towards a Ministry of Unity and Love
Social Development
- Rev. Prof. CHENG Yang-en (Taiwan Theological College and Seminary, Taiwan)
Post-colonialism, Ideological Divide and Emergent Civil Society: Current Challenges for Ecumenical Movement in Asia - Rev. Lizette Pearl TAPIA (Union Theological Seminary, The Philippines)
Community, Solidarity, and Subsistence: A Reflection on the Ecumenical Movement in the Philippines - Rev. Moumita BISWAS (National Council of Churches in India, India)
Christian Women Reformers in India: Strategies of Transformation
13 April 2018
Regional Case Studies (I)
- Rev. Prof. BATAIRWA Paulin (Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan)
Is Ecumenism a Feature of Taiwanese Christianity? Methodology in View of a Preliminary Assessment - Ms. LUK Chi Lan Iris (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Bishop Ronald Owen Hall and the Ecumenical Movement in Hong Kong - Rev. Dr. Arata MIYAMOTO (Japan Lutheran College, Japan)
Ecumenical Trace and Future in the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in Japan
Regional Case Studies (II)
- Rev. Aswin FERNANDIS (The Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, India)
The Organizational Solidarity of the Christian Community in India, both with the Orthodox Churches and Western Christianity (Churches of Reformation), in a Path Way to Ecumenical Union - Prof. Karel STEENBRINK (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Christian Divisions in the Perspective of the Muslim Majority and the Pancasila State Ideology of Indonesia - Rev. Dr John ROXBOROGH (University of Otago, New Zealand)
Asian Agency, Protestant Traditions and Ecumenical Movements in Asia, 1910 to 2010, with Special Reference to Malaysia and Singapore - Rev. Dr. Sivin KIT (Malaysia Theological Seminary, Malaysia)
Speaking Truth in the Midst of Divisiveness: The Merdeka and Malaysia Day Statements of the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM)
General Perspective (II)
- Rev. Prof. Jan Sihar ARITONANG (Jakarta Theological Seminary, Indonesia)
The Impact of Denominationalism/Confessionalism on the Ecumenical Movement in Asia - Rev. Prof. Kuncheria PATHIL (Jeevadhara Theology Centre, India)
Future of the Ecumenical Movement
Media Report:Kung Kao Po