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Cemetery Studies(Jan. 2006 – Aug. 2010)
Cemetery is the product of human culture and society. In the scholarly discussion in the West, the importance, value and characteristics of cemetery have attracted attention for a period of time. Western scholars such as Philippe Aries、James Stevens Curl and Julie Rugg have examined the evolution and nature of cemetery from various perspectives. Chinese scholars such as Ko Tim-Keung, Ting Sun-Pao and Ying Fok-Tsang have also started to conduct research in this area, and try to study the development and history of cemeteries in Hong Kong.
Discover the 19th-Century Hong Kong through St. Michael’s Catholic Cemetery
St. Michael Cemetery has been set up in Wong Nai Chung Road in 1848. As one of the earliest cemeteries in Hong Kong, it carries special meanings in terms of historical, religious and social aspects. It is worthwhile for scholars to investigate its historical development and evolution.
Since 2006, the Centre for Catholic Studies has paid attention to the values of this 19th century Catholic cemetery. Sponsorship and research fund were received from the Lord Wilson Trust Fund, the United College Lee Hysan Fund, and the CUHK Direct Grant. The emphasis of this research project is on:
The Centre has completed a database on St. Michael Cemetery by recording information of the death in the 19th century. A booklet entitled “Michael and the Dragon” to promote knowledge of cemetery among the public was published. A leaflet to introduce the relationships between the 19th century Catholic cemetery and Hong Kong society was also produced for the Diocesan Commission on Catholic Cemeteries. To arouse the interest of the public, the Centre organized study tours several times while an educational kit on field trip study was compiled for the Moral and Religious Education of Secondary Schools.
As part of the Cemetery Studies, three series with 17 talks in total were held between March and October in 2007. Papers presented by scholars from different disciplines were compiled and published in Chinese. Later on April 26, 2008, an academic conference was held in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Fourteen papers or reports were presented while over 70 people participated in an in-depth discussion on cemetery-related topics.
Heritage Education on Who Hop Shek Public Cemetery
The experience of studying St. Michael Cemetery encouraged the Centre to study the Who Hop Shek Public Cemetery. A cemetery is the memory of a city. Being the biggest public cemetery in Hong Kong, Wo Hop Shek contains the history and memories of Hong Kong people.
With sponsorship received from the Lord Wilson Trust Fund, not only academic study but also heritage education was able to be carried out. During 2009 and 2010, talks were held in several schools and field study tours were organized, three for school students and three for the public.
Apart from exploring historical resources, the study on cemetery’s planning helps to think about the government’s land-use policy. The field study tours together with pamphlets and guided manuals printed for this project attempts to further the understanding of how the development of Wo Hop Shek cemetery reflects the values and ideology of Hong Kong people, especially those towards life and death.
Centre for Catholic Studies
Address: Room 220, Leung Kau Kui Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3943 4277
Fax : (852) 3942 0995
Email: catholic@cuhk.edu.hk