Forum on The Challenges of Reconciliation


2021 年 7 月 17 日


14:30 - 18:30



Date: 17 July 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 2:30-6:30 pm (HK time)

Video Replay


Prof. Johnston McMaster (Adjunct Assistant Professor at Irish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College, Dublin)
Topic:  Ireland’s Long Journey of Reconciliation: Through the Pain of the Past to an Unknown Future

Mr. Elias D’eis  (Executive Director, Holy Land Trust, Bethlehem)
Topic: Perspective on Peacemaking in the Holy Land

Dr. Elisee Rutagambwa SJ (Hekima University College in Nairobi, Kenya)
Topic: Rising from The Ashes of Genocide to Reconciliation: The Struggle for Identity Reconstruction

Dr. Youn-su Kim SJ (Chairman of the Jesuit National Reconciliation Committee)
Topic: Walking with the Sad History of the Korean Peninsula

Mr. Ruki Fernando (Human Rights Activist, Sri Lanka)
Topic: Challenges of Reconciliation in Sri Lanka and Catholic Church

Moderator:   Prof. Gerard Whelan SJ   (Professor, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome)