Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J. Presl

Family 科

  • Lauraceae 樟科

Growing Habits 生長習性

  1. Climbing method 攀緣方式
  2. To be determined 有待確定


  • To be determined 有待確定

Stems, Branches and Branchlets

  1. Type 類型
  2. To be determined 有待確定
  1. Bark 樹皮
  2. To be determined 有待確定
  1. Habit 習性
  2. To be determined 有待確定
  1. Shape 形狀
  2. To be determined 有待確定
  1. Gland 腺體
  2. Absent 無
  1. Color 顏色
  2. To be determined 有待確定
  1. Lenticel 皮孔
  2. To be determined 有待確定
  1. Armature 針刺
  2. Absent 無

Leaf/Leaflet Length

  • 葉 
  • 6 - 12 cm
  • 小葉 
  • To be determined 有待確定

Leaf/Leaflet Width

  • 葉 
  • 2.5 - 5.5 cm
  • 小葉 
  • To be determined 有待確定

Infloresence diameter/length

  • 3.5 - 7 cm

Sepal/calyx length

  • To be determined 有待確定

Petal/Corolla length

  • To be determined 有待確定


  1. Other note 註
  2. To be determined 有待確定
  1. Shape 形狀
  2. To be determined 有待確定
  1. Gland 腺體
  2. Absent 無
  1. Fruit characters 果實特徵
  2. To be determined 有待確定
  1. Fruiting period 果期
  2. To be determined 有待確定

Fruit diameter/length

  • 6 - 8 mm

Supplementary information

All parts aromatic. Leaves with domatia in axils of secondary and tertiary veins. Flowers with 9 stamens and 3 staminoides , stamens in 3 whorls, the stamens of inner whorl with 2 glands at base.

Links to database for literature reviews :

Links to database for literature reviews :




To be determined 有待確定

Acknowledgement 鳴謝:

Wu Jieh Yee Charitable Foundation Native Plant Resources and Database in Hong Kong
