Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find the job information and vacancy?

There is a wealth of resources on the CPDC website to keep abreast of the latest job market information. A wide range of full-time, part-time and summer job opportunities for students and fresh graduates are available in the Joint Institution Job Information System (JIJIS: www. and CU Job Link (

Should I choose my career based on the degree I am studying?

For some professions, it may be highly related to the certain study-majors; while for many other industries, the job requirements would not necessarily be restricted to specific degrees. Don’t limit your career ideas and options. Plenty of graduates end up developing their career not related to major degree.

How do I know what career is right for me?

Mentorship and internship experience would help you understand different industries and job functions. You may also explore opportunities via CPDC guidance programmes and recruitment talks.

Do I need to put down salary expectation on my application?

It depends. You could do some research in advance to understand the market salary range for the position you are applying. With reference to your current salary and experience level, you might get a better sense of the salary expectation.

How do you respond to criticism in an interview?

Sometimes the interviewer may criticise your answer which makes you feel stressed and embarrassed. Don’t be panic. Explaining your view patiently can show your maturity. You may also ask the reasons why the answer is not satisfactory in a courteous manner, leaving a positive impression on interviewers. Stay open to comments and suggestions.

What questions to ask at the end of the interview?

You should prepare 2-3 questions for the end of an interview. Raising questions shows your interest and determination to the job. Here are some samples for your reference.

  • What are the most necessary skills and qualities to excel in this position?
  • What are the biggest opportunities/challenges the company facing right now?
  • Where do you see the company in five years and how would the employee contribute to this vision?

What can I do after the interview to show my sincerity?

Send a thank-you note to the organisation to thank the interviewer for their time. Reiterate your enthusiasm for the position. Consider providing 1-2 follow-up responses to the questions you did not answer well during the interview. It may help strengthen the confidence of the interviewers on you.

Is working holiday beneficial to my career development?

First of all, identify your objectives for the working holiday. With a clear goal in mind, it’s easier to demonstrate your initiative to your future employers and be able to tell them what you’ve gained. If you can cling to your goals in the overseas work experience, you may leave a positive impression on the employer.

Joining the Working Holiday Scheme is quite common nowadays, employers usually do not mind if job applicants have such experience. When you apply for a job, consider how to leverage your overseas work experience to this position, as the interviewer would likely ask you related questions.

Working holiday experience is a double-edged sword, and you should have a comprehensive planning before making the decision.

How to get prepared for my first job?

To get well started with your first job, you may follow the tips as follows.

Do research: Spend time to understand more about your new employer, its values, products, services, management style and corporate culture.

Get your wardrobe ready: Plan what to wear to the office, especially for your first week at work. If you are uncertain about the appropriate dress code, dress conservatively until you figure it out.

Always be punctual: To avoid arriving late at your workplace which leaves a bad impression on your new employer, find out the best route for your daily commute.

Ask when you are in doubt: When you encounter a problem, do some research first. If you are still in doubt, don’t be afraid of asking questions which can show that you are passionate about the company and the industry. You can also learn by observing your colleagues at work.

Keep a positive attitude: By being enthusiastic and positive, you contribute to a productive work environment and encourage colleagues to give assignments to you and work with you.

The first job only marks the beginning of your progress. Maintain and expand your network, which would be a valuable resource for your career. Make sure you keep improving and move towards your career goals.

Should I try starting up my own business after graduation or gain some work experience in the workplace first?

Here are some factors you may consider before landing a job in a startup or a big-name enterprise.

Stability: Working in a startup is widely seen as riskier than working in a corporate, for the company structure, financial model and revenue expectation are not yet guaranteed in a new business. Relatively, the big company has a proven business model and track record which offers a more stable work environment.

Opportunities: When working for large corporations, you may focus on your expertise and work in close collaboration with your colleagues in the same department. Although specialisation is still important at most startups, there are more opportunities at startups for employees who are interested in handling a large variety of tasks. An engineer at start-up, for example, may get involved in sales and marketing at work.

Flexibility: Startups usually offer higher flexibility than big companies. For example, working hours are more flexible in startups, and homeworking is adopted by some companies.

Should I seek part-time jobs before receiving a full-time employment?

Finding part-time jobs before landing a full-time position is common. The part-time work experience is also useful for your career development. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that you should take up any jobs without consideration. Here are some guidelines for your reference.

Job nature: Select the part-time jobs related to the industry you would like to join in the long term. Related work experience makes you feel more confident at an interview and increases the chance of getting employed.

Duration: Before securing a full-time job, doing a part-time job is a temporary strategy. If you extend the part-time job engagement continuously, you may encounter difficulties to pursue permanent employment. The interviewers would have hesitation on your capability and motivation to contribute to the company in the long term.

Employment trap: Beware that some part-time jobs offer high salary and benefit that sound implausible. Pay more attention to the job descriptions.