ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) (link)
BCS (British Computer Society) (link)
Hong Kong Computer Society (link)
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (link)
Hong Kong Journalists Association (link)
Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (link)
Hong Kong Securities Association (link)
Hong Kong Statistical Society (link)
Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of Hong Kong (link)
The Association of Hong Kong Nursing Staff (link)
The Council of Public Relations Firms of Hong Kong (link)
The Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (link)
The Hong Kong Dietitians Association (link)
The Hong Kong Institute of Architect (link)
The Hong Kong Medical Association (link)
The Hong Kong Psychological Society(link)
The Nursing Council of Hong Kong (link)
The list keeps expanding, please come check frequently. Or email us at cpdc@cuhk.edu.hk if you have any institutions/ organizations to suggest!