Career Guidance Programmes

Career Seminars

Seminars on different career fields, such as banking, engineering, accounting, civil service, etc., are organized to provide pertinent information on the industries or companies, including:

  • career opportunities and prospects;
  • job nature;
  • competencies required; and
  • suggestions on how to prepare for a career in the industry.

Career Preparation Workshops

Career preparation workshops, e.g. job hunting skills, personal grooming, workplace ethics and etiquette, briefings for competitions are held from time to time to:

  • equip students with essential skills necessary for job hunting;
  • instill amongst students positive and proactive work attitude to prepare them for the challenges at the workplace;
  • introduce the diverse approaches to conducting selection interviews nowadays;
  • equip students with practical skills in excelling in recruitment assessments;
  • instill a positive mindset amongst students in face of the economic downturn; and
  • encourage students to take initiatives and make endeavour to be well-prepared for job hunting.

Mock Interview Workshops

Employers and faculty members will be invited as interviewers and to give feedback to interviewees on areas of improvement. The workshops are golden opportunities for students to:

  • sharpen their skills for selection interviews and gaining personal feedback from mock interviewers;
  • enhance students’ understanding of different approaches of employee selection through sharing from mock interviewers of different industries; and
  • have direct communication with the HR professionals from different industries.

Meet the CEO Sessions

Chief Executive Officers from renowned companies or organizations will be invited as guest speaker to share their personal experiences in order to:

  • inspire students with career aspirations;
  • heighten students’ perspective of decision making in a corporate level; and
  • encourage students to learn from renowned figures of their resilience in face of challenges they faced.