Circadian Rhythms dysregulation in the unaffected adolescent offspring of parents with bipolar I disorder.

Brief Description

Compared to the offspring of healthy controls (O-HC), the offspring of people with BD (O-BD) have 5-8-fold higher risk for developing BD. Therefore, O-BD is a high-risk population for developing BD, and clinical studies based on this high-risk population should be a critical and feasible approach to understand the precursors and pathogenesis of BD. On the other hand, sleep and circadian dysregulations may underlie the trajectory of BD onset, but more studies are needed to confirm it. In the current study, we investigate the relationship between circadian rhythm dysregulations and BD through comparing different indicators (rhythms of sleep, activity and mood) between O-BD and O-HC. We aim at identifing prodromal features and endophenotypes of BD in order to improve the mental health of O-BD. At the same time, we are planning to do a follow-up every two years to trace the development of BD.

Target Participants

People with bipolar disorder, their spouse, and offspring aged between 6-21 years old

Study Details

All participants:

Blood examination (blood report will be given to participants)
Emotion and sleep assessment (by professors and PhD students from Faculty of Medicine in CUHK)
Questionnaires (about personality, emotion and sleep)
Computer tasks (to test reaction time and cognitive ability)
Sleep diary and sleep watch at home for 1 week (to evaluate objective sleep quality)
Saliva sample collection (to investigate cortisol level)
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