
Academic Journals (Selected Publications)


Zhang J, Lam SP, Li SX, Liu Y, Chan JWY, Chan MHM, Ho CS, Li AM, Wing YK. Parental history of depression and higher basal salivary cortisol in unaffected child and adolescent offspring. Journal of affective disorder 2018; 234:207-213.

Li JWS, Au CT, Chan KCC, Chook P, Wing YK, Li AM. Short sleep duration is weakly associated with carotid intima-media thickness in adolescents. Journal of Pediatrics 2018; 195:80-84.

Zhang J, Chan NY, Lam SP, Li SX, Liu Y, Chan JW, Kong AP, Ma RC, Chan KC, Li AM, Wing YK*. Emergence of sex differences in insomnia symptoms in adolescents: A large-scale school-based study. Sleep 2016; 39:1563-70.

Zhou J, Zhang J, Lam SP, Mok V, Chan A, Li SX, Liu Y, Tang X, Yung WH, Wing YK. Mortality and its risk factors in patient with Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder. Sleep 2016; 39:1543-50.

Wing YK*, Chan NY, Yu MWM, Lam SP, Zhang JH, Li SX, Kong APS, Li AM. A multi-level and multi-modal school-based sleep education programme on adolescent sleep and health- A cluster randomized controlled trial. Pediatrics 2015; 135:3 e635-e643.

Wing YK, Lam SP, Zhang J, Leung E, Ho SL, Chen S, Cheung MK, Li SX, Chan JWY, Mok V, Tsoh J, Chan A, Ho CKW. Reduced Striatal Dopamine transmission in REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder co-morbid with depression. Neurology 2015; 84:516-522.

Li AM, So HK, Au CT, Ho C, Lau J, Ng SK, Abdullah VJ, Fok TF, Wing YK*. Epidemiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in Hong Kong Chinese Children – a two-phase study. Thorax 2010; 65:991-997.

Lam HB, Wing YK*, Yu MWM, Leung CM, Ma RCW, Kong APS, So WY, Fong SYY, Lam SP. Mental morbidities and chronic fatigue in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome survivors- long term follow-up. Archives of Internal Medicine 2009; 169:2142-2147.

Lam SP, Fong SYY, Ho CKW, Yu MWM, Wing YK*. Parasomnia among psychiatric out-patients: A clinical, epidemiologic, cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2008; 69;9:1374-1382.

Wing YK*, Li RHY, Lam CW, Ho CKW, Leung T. Prevalence of narcolepsy in Hong Kong Chinese. Annals of Neurology. 2002; 51: 578-584.


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