

鑑於睡眠問題的普遍性,及時以及有效地改善睡眠的治療是必需的。 我們的團隊針對臨床和非臨床人群進行了幾項睡眠治療,如睡眠教育,針對失眠的認知行為療法和光療。


預防高危青少年失眠: 以隨機對照方式比較失眠認知行為預防計劃和對照組的效用

Advancing adolescent bedtime by using motivational interviewing and text reminders

Effects of short daytime nap on neurocognitive functioning and daytime behavior in primary school children

Effects of group cognitive behavioural therapy for comorbid insomnia and depression in youth

Effectiveness of e-based cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia on improving mental health in Chinese college students with insomnia