同心抗疫 Act together against COVID-19


  • 撮要及淺析論文

    普通人一見到學術文獻, 都會退避三分。但對於大學教授,剖析密麻麻的文字和數字,則可能是他們的「本能嗜好」。大數據專家、 公共衞生及基層醫療學院蔡錦輝副教授正是其一。這波新冠肺炎在短時間內催生許多學院論文,蔡教授盡量細讀,並撰寫「讀書心得」,透過Facebook專頁,將部分論文重點撮要,公諸同好。

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    Prof. Paul Chan (Department of Microbiology) shared his professional knowledge with Asia Society Hong Kong on the latest developments of Covid-19 – are we now facing a pandemic? How is the virus different from SARS? Are current social distancing measures effective?  Click here for detail and listen to the podcast below

    Coronavirus Updates with Prof. Paul Chan

    Should we be bracing for a COVID-19 pandemic💬? Ask Professor Paul Chan, Clinical Professor and Chairman of the Department of Microbiology at CUHK!

    Posted by Asia Society Hong Kong Center on Wednesday, February 26, 2020


