Mailing List

A mailing list is a single email address that points to a number of email addresses. An email sent to a mailing list will be automatically forwarded to members who subscribe the list.

With this service, you could create, manage or subscribe to a mailing list to ease some frequent email communication with your colleagues/ members.

Available to

Departments & Registered student organizations in the University

Service Charge and Application

Free; application required (Refer to 1. List Application & Renewal)

Access to Service

Mailing List Administrators Page:

Service Availability

7 X 24; except maintenance period


1. List Application & Renewal

Person Responsible: Department head / Department coordinator / Student organization chairperson
Application Procedures: Complete the online application form
Result Notification: A notification email to department head / department coordinator / student organization chairperson within 3 working days

2. Guidelines of Use

You must follow the guides here while managing or using the service to protect your mailing lists and avoid email loops:

To manage your list,As a list administrators, you should

  • NOT include non-CUHK email address(es) as list administrators / moderators.
  • ONLY include CUHK staff email address(es), i.e., as list administrators / moderators if the list is for department use.
  • NOT include your mailing list, i.e., as a non-member or member
  • remove the mailing list when it is no longer in use
  • review your mailing list(s) regularly. ITSC reserves the right to close any unattended mailing list(s) with no activities detected for over 2 years.

To send emails, you should

  • Put your mailing list , i.e., into bcc field;
  • NOT use your mailing list as the sender, i.e.
  • Have your email size under 5MB in total

Please read Mailman Mailing Lists – Acceptable Use Policies and Guidelines to understand the right and responsibility.

3. Using Mailing List

In a mailing list, there are 3 types of roles with functions as below:

Role Responsibilities User Guide (via CUHK Login)
List Administrator / Owner The manager of the list who can

  • Have ultimate control over all parameters
  • Approve / Manage / View membership and delegate one’s role in the mailing list
  • Control messages to be sent to the mailing list and authorize members / non-members to send emails to the mailing list
Moderator The delegate who can control messages to be sent to the mailing list and authorize members / non-members to send emails to the mailing list
Member The subscriber who can

  • Receive messages sent to the mailing list
  • Unsubscribe a list