
11月4日早上,善衡書院舉辦創院以來首個步行日 - SHHO Walk,SHHO Walk 為書院學生舉辦的一系列十週年院慶活動打響頭炮。活動吸引超過100位善衡書院及其他書院的學生參與。在開幕禮中,善衡書院院長辛世文教授及善衡書院學生會幹事會主席吳天恩同學分別致辭,為參加者打氣。在一眾嘉賓帶領下,參與者由善衡書院步行至康本國際學術園,然後經崇基學院教堂回到陳震夏館終點站,並在館內聚首一堂享用茶點,彼此分享。
SHHO Walk, S.H. Ho College’s first ever walkathon, was held in the morning of 4 November as the first in the saga of S.H. Ho College’s 10th anniversary celebratory events initiated by students. More than 100 students of S.H. Ho College and other colleges signed up for the event. In the kick-off ceremony, Prof. Samuel Sun, College Master, and Miss Angela Ng, President of S.H. Ho College Student Union Executive Council, gave their welcome remarks to cheer up the participants. Led by the guests, the participants walked from S.H. Ho College to Yasumoto International Academic Park, then took the path near the Chung Chi College Chapel and returned to the finishing point at Chan Chun Ha Hall where they were served with refreshments.