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  CUHK Font
Please download the CUHKFont for a proper display of CUSIS.

1a. Installaion - Microsoft Edge/Internet Explorer

1b. Installation - Firefox

1c. Installation - Chrome
2. Handling conflicts with HKSCS 3. Post-Installation Check


As there are some special Chinese characters and symbols (user defined character) stored in CUSIS which is not included in a standard installation of Windows, a set of CUHK specific Chinese fonts has to be installed to supplement to standard Chinese fonts. CUSIS will display text mainly in Arial, Verdana, Georgia, Times New Roman and 細明體. Client workstation has to associate Arial, Verdana, Georgia, Times New Roman and 細明體 to the CUHK custom Chinese fonts. If you have not installed the CUHK custom Chinese fonts, you may not be able to display some characters in CUSIS properly.


1a. Installation - Microsoft Edge/Internet Explorer

  1. Download CUHK custom Chinese font file (cuhkfont.tte) in zip format.The font file will be updated from time to time. Please check the upload date of the file for your reference. An Excel spreadsheet that shows all CUHK custom Chinese characters is also enclosed in the zip file for your reference.
  2. Download the configuration file (cuhkcfg.reg) in zip format.
  3. Copy CUHK custom Chinese font file (cuhkfont.tte) to folder C:\CUHKFONT. For LAN administrators, you may copy the CUHK custom Chinese font file to a network folder so that you can install future update of the font file on the file server in the future. Or else, you may prepare a login script to copy the font file from network folder to C:\CUHKFONT. Please remind to change the folder names in cuhkcfg.reg accordingly if you use network drive directly.
  4. Execute the font configuration file (cuhkcfg.reg) to set up the settings.
  5. Reboot the system.

1b. Installation - Firefox

Firefox will not recognise the Windows setting stated above for Microsoft Edge/Internet Explorer. As a workaround to let Firefox to display CUHK custom Chinese fonts, user has to install the CUHK custom Chinese font as a normal font and force Firefox to use it by default. This might affect the layout/fonts of all web sites and the CUHK custom Chinese font will be shown as a font (named EUDC) in other Windows applications such as MS Word. You should configure your firefox as follows.

  1. Download CUHK custom Chinese font file (cuhkfont.tte) in zip format. An Excel spreadsheet that shows all CUHK custom
    Chinese characters is also enclosed in the zip file for your reference.
  2. Copy the “Cuhkfont.tte” mentioned above (in MS Edge/IE setting) to the Windows font folder, normally it is
  3. Click 'firefox' (in the top right corner)-> “Option”.
  4. Under ‘General ‘ page, select “EUDC” for “Default font” under “Language and Appearance, Fonts & Colors”.
  5. firefox

1c. Installation - Chorme

Same as Firefox, Chrome will also not recognise the Windows setting stated above for Microsoft Edge/Internet Explorer. As a workaround to let Chrome to display CUHK custom Chinese fonts, user has to install the CUHK custom Chinese font as a normal font and force Chrome to use it by default. This might affect the layout/fonts of all web sites and the CUHK custom Chinese font will be shown as a font (named EUDC) in other Windows applications such as MS Word. You should configure your Chrome as follows.

  1. Download CUHK custom Chinese font file (cuhkfont.tte) in zip format. An Excel spreadsheet that shows all CUHK custom
    Chinese characters is also enclosed in the zip file for your reference.
  2. Copy the “Cuhkfont.tte” mentioned above (in MS Edge/IE setting) to the Windows font folder, normally it is “C:\Windows\.”.
  3. Click 'menuicon' in the top right corner-> “Settings”.
  4. Under ‘Appearance ‘ page, click ‘Customize fonts’
    select “EUDC” for “Default font” under “Language and Appearance, Fonts & Colors”
  5. chrome
  6. Select “EUDC” for “Standard font”..
  7. chrome


2. Handling conflicts with Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set (HKSCS)

If you have not installed the CUHK custom Chinese fonts, you may not be able to display some characters in CUSIS properly. Some other sites such as newspaper sites may need another set of custom Chinese font named Hong Kong Supplementary Character Set (Chinese: 香港增補字符集; commonly abbreviated to HKSCS) in order to display their content correctly. However, installation of CUHK custom Chinese font conflicts with that of HKSCS. That means your Windows may show incorrect user defined characters or HKSCS font if you have installed both fonts (i.e. CUHK custom Chinese fonts and HKSCS font). User should choose one to install.

  • For office environment, it is recommended that office user use CUHK custom Chinese font and uninstall HKSCS if it is installed. LAN admin should let the office users know the limitation of this installation, i.e. user may found some Chinese characters not correct in some sites such as newspaper sites.
  • For computer lab, the LAN admin should know the limitation of the Chinese fonts and make their choices according to their computer lab usage.
  • Home users should also be aware of the conflict between CUHK custom Chinese font and HKSCS and the consequences and make their own choices.

3. Post-Installation Check

The first 130 user-defined characters displayed retrieved from your computer in 細明體,Arial and Verdana are shown on the following tables:


細明體: Compare your computer display below with the correct IMAGE after a properly CUHKFont installation


99DA 9A46 9A71 9ABE 9AE9 9B55 9BA2 9BCD 9BF8 9C64 9CB1 9CDC 9D48
99DB 9A47 9A72 9ABF 9AEA 9B56 9BA3 9BCE 9BF9 9C65 9CB2 9CDD 9D49
99DC 9A48 9A73 9AC0 9AEB 9B57 9BA4 9BCF 9BFA 9C66 9CB3 9CDE 9D4A
99DD 9A49 9A74 9AC1 9AEC 9B58 9BA5 9BD0 9BFB 9C67 9CB4 9CDF 9D4B
99DE 9A4A 9A75 9AC2 9AED 9B59 9BA6 9BD1 9BFC 9C68 9CB5 9CE0 9D4C
99DF 9A4B 9A76 9AC3 9AEE 9B5A 9BA7 9BD2 9BFD 9C69 9CB6 9CE1 9D4D
99E0 9A4C 9A77 9AC4 9AEF 9B5B 9BA8 9BD3 9BFE 9C6A 9CB7 9CE2 9D4E
99E1 9A4D 9A78 9AC5 9AF0 9B5C 9BA9 9BD4 9C40 9C6B 9CB8 9CE3 9D4F
99E2 9A4E 9A79 9AC6 9AF1 9B5D 9BAA 9BD5 9C41 9C6C 9CB9 9CE4 9D50
99E3 9A4F 9A7A 9AC7 9AF2 9B5E 9BAB 9BD6 9C42 9C6D 9CBA  9CE5 9D51



Arial: Compare your computer display below with the correct IMAGE after a properly CUHKFont installation


99DA 9A46 9A71 9ABE 9AE9 9B55 9BA2 9BCD 9BF8 9C64 9CB1 9CDC 9D48
99DB 9A47 9A72 9ABF 9AEA 9B56 9BA3 9BCE 9BF9 9C65 9CB2 9CDD 9D49
99DC 9A48 9A73 9AC0 9AEB 9B57 9BA4 9BCF 9BFA 9C66 9CB3 9CDE 9D4A
99DD 9A49 9A74 9AC1 9AEC 9B58 9BA5 9BD0 9BFB 9C67 9CB4 9CDF 9D4B
99DE 9A4A 9A75 9AC2 9AED 9B59 9BA6 9BD1 9BFC 9C68 9CB5 9CE0 9D4C
99DF 9A4B 9A76 9AC3 9AEE 9B5A 9BA7 9BD2 9BFD 9C69 9CB6 9CE1 9D4D
99E0 9A4C 9A77 9AC4 9AEF 9B5B 9BA8 9BD3 9BFE 9C6A 9CB7 9CE2 9D4E
99E1 9A4D 9A78 9AC5 9AF0 9B5C 9BA9 9BD4 9C40 9C6B 9CB8 9CE3 9D4F
99E2 9A4E 9A79 9AC6 9AF1 9B5D 9BAA 9BD5 9C41 9C6C 9CB9 9CE4 9D50
99E3 9A4F 9A7A 9AC7 9AF2 9B5E 9BAB 9BD6 9C42 9C6D 9CBA  9CE5 9D51



Verdana: Compare your computer display below with the correct IMAGE after a properly CUHKFont installation


99DA 9A46 9A71 9ABE 9AE9 9B55 9BA2 9BCD 9BF8 9C64 9CB1 9CDC 9D48
99DB 9A47 9A72 9ABF 9AEA 9B56 9BA3 9BCE 9BF9 9C65 9CB2 9CDD 9D49
99DC 9A48 9A73 9AC0 9AEB 9B57 9BA4 9BCF 9BFA 9C66 9CB3 9CDE 9D4A
99DD 9A49 9A74 9AC1 9AEC 9B58 9BA5 9BD0 9BFB 9C67 9CB4 9CDF 9D4B
99DE 9A4A 9A75 9AC2 9AED 9B59 9BA6 9BD1 9BFC 9C68 9CB5 9CE0 9D4C
99DF 9A4B 9A76 9AC3 9AEE 9B5A 9BA7 9BD2 9BFD 9C69 9CB6 9CE1 9D4D
99E0 9A4C 9A77 9AC4 9AEF 9B5B 9BA8 9BD3 9BFE 9C6A 9CB7 9CE2 9D4E
99E1 9A4D 9A78 9AC5 9AF0 9B5C 9BA9 9BD4 9C40 9C6B 9CB8 9CE3 9D4F
99E2 9A4E 9A79 9AC6 9AF1 9B5D 9BAA 9BD5 9C41 9C6C 9CB9 9CE4 9D50
99E3 9A4F 9A7A 9AC7 9AF2 9B5E 9BAB 9BD6 9C42 9C6D 9CBA  9CE5 9D51