Virtual Desktop for PAW Service

Departments/Units/Colleges can subscribe a Virtual Desktop for Privileged Access Workstation (PAW) Service in handling sensitive tasks that required high security assurances.

A Virtual Desktop for PAW is a software implementation of a machine that executes programs like a physical machine. This Virtual Desktop for PAW (supported by VMware), is a type of Cloud IT service which offers a Desktop-like PC with a zero-client as front end, in yearly subscription basis, to provide flexibility for departments / units /colleges to access specific services instantly and to eliminate long acquisition process for physical machine.

Available to


Service Charge and Application

Charged on annual basis
Application of Virtual Desktop for PAW Service: please write to ITSC Service Desk . Check ITSC Service Request User Guide for operation details.

Service Availability

24 x 7


1. Features
  • Service includes a zero client as front end in order to access the Virtual Desktop for PAW. The zero client is a small hardware that requires network connection using LAN cable
  • Monitor with DVI or DisplayPort connection and the cable will not be provided
  • The Virtual Desktop for PAW is a Windows 10 client
  • Detail subscription information can be found at ITSC Service Desk