S.H. Sung Creativity Award: College 65th Anniversary Celebration Proposal opens for Application Chung Chi College

Application for the S.H. Sung Creativity Award: College 65th Anniversary Celebration Proposal is now open for all Chung Chi students. All innovative ideas of celebrating College 65th Anniversary as student activities are welcome. Beside cash prize, awarded proposals may be carried out as assisted by College.


The Award is divided into First, Second and Third Prizes and the awardees will receive certificates and cash prizes varying from HK$10,000 to HK$2,000. The application deadline is May 25, 2016 (Wednesday). Notes for applicants and application forms are available at the College website (http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ccc/cac/).


For enquires, please write to Miss Carol Lau, Secretary of the Creativity Awards Committee, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..