Decolonizing Critical Theory in Southeast Asia
Principal Investigator: Prof. Elmo GONZAGA
Year of Award: 2020-2021
Coming to the Terms of Modern Chinese Buddhism, 1870-1950
Principal Investigator: Prof. Douglas GILDOW
Year of Award: 2020-2021
Protestant Interpretations of the Yijing: A Comparative Study of Thomas McClatchie and James Legge in Late Qing China
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Tsz Pang John
Year of Award: 2020-2021
Fallen Crosses in "China’s Jerusalem": Towards a Critical Analysis of State-Church Relations in Contemporary China
Principal Investigator: Prof. YING Fuk Tsang
Year of Award: 2020-2021
Wise as Serpents and Innocent as Doves? Chinese Overseas Mission in the Context of One Belt, One Road
Principal Investigator: Prof. Tobias BRANDNER
Year of Award: 2019-2020
Global/Local Perspectives on Chinese Muslim Origin Narratives and Guangzhou's Islamic Heritage Sites
Principal Investigator: Prof. James FRANKEL
Year of Award: 2019-2020
Seeking a Contextual Understanding of Interfaith Encounter in Christian Pastoral Care Settings in a Non-Western and Non-Christian Postsecular Society
Principal Investigator: Prof. KWAN Shui Man Simon
Year of Award: 2019-2020
Late Qing/Republican Literati and Gentry in Guangdong Daoism: Creating a Digital Database on Daoist Literati and Gentry in Guangdong
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Chi Tim
Year of Award: 2018-2019
A Historical and Anthropological Study of the Rituals of Chinese Popular Buddhism
Principal Investigator: Prof. TAM Wai Lun
Year of Award: 2018-2019
Mediating quan: Human Rights and Feminist and Queer Media Culture in China
Principal Investigator: Prof. TAN Jia
Year of Award: 2018-2019
Digital Ritual Archive of Chinese Temples in Hong Kong: Study of Multi-dimensional Ritual Processes
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Chi Tim
Year of Award: 2016-2017
Hannah Arendt’s Political Theories and Hong Kong’s 2014 Umbrella Movement
Principal Investigator: Prof. PANG Laikwan
Year of Award: 2016-2017
The Cultural Politics of Volunteering and the Making of Urban Identities in Contemporary Beijing
Principal Investigator: Prof. WU Ka Ming
Year of Award: 2016-2017
The Online Distribution Strategies of Independent Application Game Developers in Hong Kong, China and South Korea
Principal Investigator: Prof. CHUNG Peichi
Year of Award: 2015-2016
After Taiwan New Cinema: Authorship, Transnationality, Historiography
Principal Investigator: Prof. LIM Song Hwee
Year of Award: 2015-2016
Buddhist Gentrification: Spatial and Social Analysis of Buddhist Revival in Contemporary Urban Shanghai
Principal Investigator: Prof. HUANG Weishan
Year of Award: 2015-2016
Remapping the Transcultural Modernity in Early Republican China: Chinese Leftist Intellectuals’ Reception of Henri Bergson’s Philosophy of Life
Principal Investigator: Prof. CHEUNG Lik Kwan
Year of Award: 2014-2015
Trans-Asian Women's Forum on Erotic/Pornographic Media and Cultural Affect
Principal Investigator: Prof. Katrien JACOBS
Year of Award: 2014-2015
Transforming Morality and Society: Chinese Jesuit Fiction and Drama in the Republican Era (1912-1937)
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Tsz Pang John
Year of Award: 2014-2015
Contemporary Chinese Christian Discourses on Religious Diversity
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Pan Chiu
Year of Award: 2014-2015
Opening the Greek World to All: Creating a Chinese-Greek Lexical Database of the New Testament
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Kun Chun Eric
Year of Award: 2014-2015
Protestant Death Rituals, Continuing Bonds between the Living and the Dead, and Bereavement Care
Principal Investigator: Prof. KWAN Shui Man Simon
Year of Award: 2013-2014
The Adaptation of Model Plays: Aesthetics and Politics in China’s Cultural Revolution
Principal Investigator: Prof. PANG Laikwan
Year of Award: 2013-2014
Local ritual traditions in southeast China
Principal Investigator: Prof. TAM Wai Lun
Year of Award: 2013-2014
Negotiating between Cultures: A Study of the Hong Kong Muslim Women in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Wai Ching Angela
Year of Award: 2013-2014
In Search of Popular Christianity: A Study of Audience Responses from Mainland China to Christian Gospel Broadcasts (1959-2004)
Principal Investigator: Prof. YING Fuk Tsang
Year of Award: 2013-2014
Rediscovering the Lost Heritage: The Religious Poetics of the "New Age Novels" (1895) and Its Far-reaching Impact on Chinese Literary Modernity 重尋失落的遺產:「時新小說」(1895)的宗教詩學及其對中國文學現代化的深遠影響
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Tsz Pang John
Year of Award: 2012-2013
Virtual Museum of Guangzhou Daoist Temples (Ming Dynasty-Present): GIS Application in Daoist Studies
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Chi Tim
Year of Award: 2011-2012
The Deprivatization of Jesus Christ's Inner World in the Gospel of Matthew - A Contribution to the Redaction History in Matthew and towards the Historical Jesus
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Kun Chun Eric
Year of Award: 2011-2012
Reconceptualizing Moral Education in a Reforming China: A Critical Study of the Thoughts of Lu Jie and Her Community of Scholars since 1980s
Principal Investigator: Prof. YEUNG Kwok Keung
Year of Award: 2011-2012
Christian discourse with Chinese characteristics: Protestant theology in the political and cultural context of China, 1980-2010
Principal Investigator: Prof. YIP Ching Wah Francis
Year of Award: 2011-2012
Chinese Christian Novels in Late Qing China (1807-1911): An Interdisciplinary Study of Religion and Literature 晚清基督教中文小說 (1807-1911):宗教與文學的跨學科研究
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Tsz Pang John
Year of Award: 2010-2011
The Book of Judith: A Postcolonial Feminist Reading
Principal Investigator: Prof. TAN Nam Hoon Nancy
Year of Award: 2010-2011
Buddhism in Socialist China: 1949-2008
Principal Investigator: Prof. XUE Yu
Year of Award: 2010-2011
Daoism and Local Society in Guangdong: A Collection of Daoist Epigraphy of Guangdong 道教與廣東地方社會研究──廣東道教碑銘彙集
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Chi Tim
Year of Award: 2009-2010
Christian Theological Responses to Mahayana Buddhism
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Pan Chiu
Year of Award: 2009-2010
From a Foreign Book to Chinese Christian Scripture: Appropriation of the Bible in the Multi-Textual Milieu of China (1840-1919)
Principal Investigator: Prof. LEE Chi Chung Archie
Year of Award: 2009-2010
Women Negotiating Cultures: Family Values, Religion and Chinese Patriarchy
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Wai Ching Angela
Year of Award: 2009-2010
Strategies of Cultural Negotiation: A Critical Study of Translation of Christian Tracts in Late Qing China, 1843-1911
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Tsz Pang John
Year of Award: 2008-2009
Everyday Aesthetics in Hong Kong Camera Phone Use
Principal Investigator: Prof. Helen GRACE
Year of Award: 2008-2009
Toward a Revision of Hope-Based Christian Counseling Approaches with a Mutually Critical Correlational Analysis
Principal Investigator: Prof. KWAN Shui Man Simon
Year of Award: 2008-2009
A Critical Study of the Discursive Development of Cultural Policy in China
Principal Investigator: Prof. PANG Laikwan
Year of Award: 2008-2009
Ritual Specialists in Local Society in Southeast China
Principal Investigator: Prof. TAM Wai Lun
Year of Award: 2008-2009
Struggle between "Love of Country" (aiguo) and "Love of Church" (aijiao): An Investigation into the conflict between Wu Yaozong and Wang Mingdao in Revolutionary China (1949-1966)
Principal Investigator: Prof. YING Fuk Tsang
Year of Award: 2008-2009
Foreign Domestic Workers as Cultural Translators: Gender, Migration to Hong Kong, and Emancipation
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Ming Yan
Year of Award: 2007-2008
Cultural Christians in Cultural and Theological Perspectives
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Pan Chiu
Year of Award: 2007-2008
Between Globalization and Localization: Comparative Research of Christianity in Chinese Societies
Principal Investigator: Prof. NG Tze Ming Peter
Year of Award: 2006-2007
Chinese-Language Cinema as Cultural Industry: Reterritorialization with Globalization
Principal Investigator: Prof. PANG Laikwan
Year of Award: 2006-2007
The Hidden Echo of Paulinism in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Kun Chun Eric
Year of Award: 2006-2007
Chinese Women and Hong Kong Christianity: An Oral History
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Wai Ching Angela
Year of Award: 2006-2007
Possibilities and Politics of Intercultural Theatre on the Contemporary Hong Kong Stage
Principal Investigator: Prof. LUK Yun Tong Thomas
Year of Award: 2005-2006
Contemporary Daoist Ritual of Zhengyi Tradition in Hong Kong and Macau and Its Structural Relationship with the Daoist Liturgies of the Song Period
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Chi Tim
Year of Award: 2005-2006
Out of Ma'am's Kitchen: Public Articulation, Representation and Foreign Domestic Workers in Hong Kong
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Ming Yan
Year of Award: 2005-2006
Heavenly Kingdom and Pure Land: Transformation of Their Interpretations in Republican China
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Pan Chiu
Year of Award: 2005-2006
Critical Biblical Scholarship in China: A Study of Li Jung Fang (李榮芳) in Socio-Intellectual Context
Principal Investigator: Prof. LEE Chi Chung Archie
Year of Award: 2005-2006
Chinese-Christian Identity in Migration: Protestant Theology in Hong Kong 1950s-70s
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Pan Chiu
Year of Award: 2004-2005
The Christian Dreams–Models of Christian Colleges/Universities in East Asian Countries
Principal Investigator: Prof. NG Tze Ming Peter
Year of Award: 2004-2005
A Comparative Analysis of Jesus' Radicalism and Paul's Deradicalization
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Kun Chun Eric
Year of Award: 2004-2005
Naming God in Chinese: Interpreting Missionary and Chinese Christian Debates on the "Term Question" in Cross-Cultural Encounters
Principal Investigator: Prof. LEE Chi Chung Archie
Year of Award: 2003-2004
Adaptations and Translations of Western Drama: A Social-cultural Study of Hong Kong Repertory Theatre's Productions from 1977 to the Present
Principal Investigator: Prof. LUK Yun Tong Thomas
Year of Award: 2003-2004
Local Religion and Society in Southeast China
Principal Investigator: Prof. TAM Wai Lun
Year of Award: 2003-2004
A Study of Chinese Christian Writings from the Seventeenth to the Early Twentieth Century China
Principal Investigator: Prof. LEE Chi Chung Archie
Year of Award: 2001-2002
Publishing, Reading and Religious Life in the Popular Literature of Late Imperial China
Principal Investigator: Prof. WANG Richard G.
Year of Award: 2001-2002
History of Early Heavenly Master Taoism in Six Dynasties Period: A Study of the Nature of Traditional Chinese Religion
Principal Investigator: Prof. LAI Chi Tim
Year of Award: 1999-2000
A Lexical Analysis of the Greek New Testament: Towards "A Greek-Chinese Lexicon of the Greek New Testament"
Principal Investigator: Prof. WONG Kun Chun Eric
Year of Award: 1999-2000
Religious Festivals in Northern Guangdong: A Study of Chinese Religion, Social Structure and Local Identity
Principal Investigator: Prof. TAM Wai Lun
Year of Award: 1999-2000
Thirteen Points of Light: Christian Colleges / Universities and China's Modern Transformation
Principal Investigator: Prof. NG Tze Ming Peter
Year of Award: 1997-1998