BA, MA (University of Alabama); PhD (University of Wales Trinity Saint David)

電話: (852) 3943 1369
電郵: naomielainethurston@cuhk.edu.hk

  1. Sino-Christian Theology
  2. Sino-Christian Studies
  3. Contemporary Chinese Christianity

Studying Christianity in China: Constructions of an Emerging Discourse (Brill, 2018)

  1. “Zha Changping's History of Ideas in Pioneering Contemporary Chinese Art: An Introduction,” Contemporary Chinese Thought Volume 51, Issue 1, 2020.
  2. “A New Generation of Sino-Christian Scholars: Shifting Concerns among Researchers of Christianity,” International Journal of Asian Christianity Volume 2 (2019): Issue 1 (Mar 2019).
  3. “Reading Religion in China Today: Interviews with Chinese Christianity Researchers,” Review of Religion and Chinese Society 4 (2017) 5-31
  4. “Negotiating Tolerance: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and Researching Religion in China,” Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture, Vol XXI. No 1. (April 2017) 113-61

Andrew Chai, Seeking Truth Beyond Facts 2 (Logos and Pneuma Press, 2018)

  1. “Hong Liang 洪亮, Leben vor den letzten Dingen: Die Dostojewski-Rezeption im frühen Werk von Karl Barth und Eduard Thurneysen (1915-1923)Christianity & Literature 68 (1) 159-165
  2. “Alexander Chow, Chinese Public Theology: Generational Shifts and Confucian Imagination in Chinese ChristianityInternational Journal of Asian Christianity 1 (2018) 350-352
  3. “Liu Xiaofeng 刘小枫 (and Leopold Leeb, trans.), A Collection of Essays by Liu XiaofengQuest: Studies on Religion & Culture in Asia 1 (2016) 113-116
  4. “Yang Huilin 杨慧林, China, Christianity and the Question of Culture” CHINET Chinese Studies Project, 12 Feb 2014
  5. “Christopher Daily, Robert Morrison and the Protestant Plan for China” CHINET Chinese Studies Project, 12 Nov 2014