Dr. Li Tiecheng’s newest article on “Ogawa Shinsuke’s Connections with Hong Kong’s Social Movement Documentary Culture –An Interview Series”

Dr. Li Tiecheng’s newest article on “Ogawa Shinsuke’s Connections with Hong Kong’s Social Movement Documentary Culture –An Interview Series” is recently published in Chinese Independent Cinema Observer’s 2021-1 No.1 issue. The topic of this issue is “Sino-Japanese Connections in Independent Film Cultures (1989 – 2020).”
最新一期的 《华语独立影像观察- 当代日本-中国独立电影文化的关联 (1989-2020)》收录了文化研究讲师李铁成博士的文章–〈小川绅介与香港社会运动纪录片文化的关联——策展人与纪录片作者们的访谈系列〉
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