“Japanese Film Theory and Practice: Three Examples” by Prof. Earl Jackson, Jr.

November 28, 2015

“Japanese Film Theory and Practice: Three Examples” by Prof. Earl Jackson, Jr.


Date: 28 November 2015

Time: 10:30am – 12:00nn

Venue: Room 101, Leung Kau Kui Building, CUHK

Speaker: Prof. Earl Jackson, Jr. (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)


The questions of what constitutes film theory, how culturally specific “theory” might be, and the relation of theory and practice are extremely important. Those questions will be addressed in considering the work of three Japanese directors who also have written a significant body of theoretical writings: Oshima Nagisa, Masumura Yasuzo, and Yoshida Kiju.


Earl jackson, Jr. has taught at the University of Minnesota, the University of California, Santa Cruz, the Korean National University of Arts and is currently Professor at National Chiao Tung University, is director of the Film Studies Center at NCTU and Co-director of the Trans-Asia Screen Cultures Institute in Seoul. He is the author of Strategies of Deviance: Studies in Gay Male Representation, and has completed books on Samuel R. Delany’s autobiography and Japanese anime.

He is currently writing a book on Japanese film theory and practice. His performance pieces have been staged in Minneapolis, Seattle, Santa Cruz, and Tokyo.  He has worked in Korean Independent film production as consultant, executive producer, editor, screenwriter, and played the villain in Barbie (Yi Sangwoo 2011)


All are welcome. Registration is required by 25 November 2015.

Website: www.cuhk.edu.hk/crs/ccs

Enquiry: 3943 1255 / cuccs@cuhk.edu.hk