The Chinese University of Hong Kong
events & news

School visit trip to Guang Ning, Guangdong for 3 days

Name of Activity (Chinese): School visit trip to Guang Ning, Guangdong for 3 days
Unit: Baby Bamboo Operation
Location: China
Venue: Guang-ning, Guangdong, China
Date: 2017-05-23
Time: 12:00 am
introduction: /

Miss Carrie LEE, Baby Bamboo Operation Office 8/F, CUHKFAA-Chan Chun Ha Secondary School Chung On Estate Ma On Shan, Shatin Hong Kong.

Phone: (852) 26080167

Fax: 81488249

HK mobile (852) 51005886

Mainland mobile (86) 15012505886


For more information, please visit



-(event ID: 201706GN)

To visit schools in rural areas of Guang Ning County. Duties include: to present scholarships and grants, to check books, sports and office items donated to the school, and to visit the homes of some students.

Note: (1) The fares include transportation from Shenzhen to schools, accommodation, meals and expenses for the group activities. NO other service fees and surcharges required.


(quota: 30 places). Cost is apportioned according to the number of participants. 

Please complete the Application Form and mail to Baby Bamboo Operation Office together with a check of HK $ 500 as deposit.

Deadline: 10th April, 2017

* Participants must have valid Home Visit Permits (HVP) or passports with valid visa to China.
