Masterclass on East Asian Cinemas

November 27, 2015

Masterclass on East Asian Cinemas


In order to nurture young scholars and explore future research directions in the field of East Asian Cinemas studies, the Centre for Cultural Studies will organize a masterclass on East Asian Cinemas on 27 and 28 November 2015 at CUHK campus. There will be keynote speeches by Prof. Earl Jackson, Jr. (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan) and Prof. Gina Marchetti (Hong Kong University). The masterclass will also provide opportunities for research postgraduate students (MPhil/PhD) to share their current projects, with feedback provided by the two keynote speakers and Prof. Vivian Lee (City University of Hong Kong).


Date: 27-28 November 2015

Venue: G24, Fung King Hey Building, the Chinese University of Hong Kong



Keynote Speeches by

Prof. Earl Jackson, Jr. (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan), “Japanese Film Theory and Practice: Three Examples”

Prof. Gina Marchetti (Hong Kong University), “Occupying East Asian Screens”




All are welcome. Registration is required by 25 November 2015.

Enquiry: 3943 1255 /



27 November 2015
14:00 – 15:30, Keynote Speech

Chair: Prof. Huang Tsung Yi Michelle (CUHK)


Occupying East Asian Screens

Prof. Gina Marchetti (HKU)

15:30 – 16:00, Coffee Break


16:00 – 18:00, Panel 1

Chair: Dr. Chan Ka Ming (CUHK)

Discussant:  Prof. Gina Marchetti (HKU)


Johnnie To’s and Wong Kar Wai’s gangster films and market-driven Hong Kong identity

Dickson Cheung (HKBU)


The Lures of Sisterhood: Homo-Exoticism and Possible Lesbian

Ong Yuin Ting (CUHK)


Soft Power and Film: What do Chinese Films Say about China?

Bruno Lovric (City U)


28 November 2015

10:30 – 12:00, Keynote Speech

Chair: Prof. Pang Laikwan (CUHK)


Japanese Film Theory and Practice: Three Examples

Prof. Earl Jackson, Jr. (NCTU)

12:00 – 13:00, Lunch Break


13:00 – 15:00, Panel 2

Chair: Dr. Li Tiecheng (CUHK)

Discussant: Prof. Earl Jackson, Jr. (NCTU)


Chinese Independent Animation in the Contemporary World: A Comparative Study of the Cases in the Mainland China and Hong Kong

Terrie Man-chi Cheung (City U)


From Local to Translocal: Story of McDull Series

Wu Hang (HKUST)


The Triangle of Adaptation——Liu Na’ou’s Film: The Eternal Smile

Yue Huanyu (HKUST)

15:00 – 15:30, Coffee Break


15:30 – 17:30, Panel 3

Chair: Ni Ziquan (CUHK)

Discussant: Prof. Vivian Lee (City U)


Nationless Haunting, or the De-imagination of China in Hong Kong Horror

Danny W.K. Chan (HKU)


Rural Screenings in Early Maoist China Ranging from 1949 to 1965

Guo Yanping (CUHK)


The Absurd as Condition and Strategy in Postsocialist Chinese Cinema

Wong Ivy Hay Mun (HKU)