BSc in Computer Science (University of Hong Kong); MDiv, MTh (Alliance Bible Seminary); DrTheol (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)

電話: (852) 39435979
電郵: coltenyam@cuhk.edu.hk
履歷: PDF icon CV Colten Yam (2021 Feb 17) v.2.pdf

  1. Augustine and the Latin tradition
  2. Basil of Caesarea and the Cappadocian Fathers
  3. Trinitarian theology in Ancient Church
  4. Natural science in Late Antiquity
  5. Exegesis of the Church Fathers
  6. Neoplatonism, Gnosticism and Manichaeism
  1. “A Commentary on Homiliae in hexaemeron 6-9 of Basil of Caesarea” (Habilitation thesis, previously funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in 2016-2018)
  2. “Sickness and Spirituality in Early Christianity: A Case Study via Basil of Caesarea” (Direct Grant 2020/2021, CUHK)

Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. Trinity and Grace in Augustine: An Analysis of De trinitate 8-10 in Light of De spiritu et littera. Augustinus. Werk und Wirkung Band 10 (Schöningh / Brill, 2019), XXXII + 731 pages, ISBN: 978-3-506-70409-2.

  1. Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Basil’s Use of Oppian in Homilies in hexaemeron 7: His Source of Zoological Knowledge Reconsidered.” Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum (2021, forthcoming).

  2. Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Basil on the Souls.” Studia Patristica (Leuven: Peeters, forthcoming in 2021).

  3. Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Basil’s Knowledge of Astronomy.” In Early Exegesis of Genesis 1 in Christianity and Judaism, vol. 1. SBL series: Writings from the Greco-Roman World. Edited by Christoph Markschies and Volker Henning Drecoll (forthcoming in 2021).

  4. Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Marius Victorinus’ Influence on Augustine’s Trinitarian Theology.” International Journal of Sino-Western Studies 19 (2020): 124-140.

  5. Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “From Gift to Love: The Development of Augustine’s Pneumatology in De trinitate.” In Proceeding of Chinese-German Conference on Augustine (forthcoming in 2021).

  6. 任卓賢。<地上之城與上帝之城:奧古斯丁上帝之城的歷史觀>。郭清容編。《辨識歷史 – 時機・終末・神學家》,頁29-58。香港:德慧文化,2019。Yam, Colten Cheuk Yin. “The Earthly City and the Heavenly City: On Augustine’s Concept of History in De ciuitate dei,” in Discerning History: Kairos, Eschaton and Theologians, ed. Ching Yung Kwok, 29-58 (Hong Kong: VWLink, 2019) [in Chinese].
  7. Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Augustine’s Intention in proceeding from mens, notitia, amor to memoria, intellegentia, uoluntas.” Studia Patristica 75 (Leuven: Peeters, 2017), 327-340.
  8. Yam, Cheuk-Yin and Anthony Dupont. “Enfoque de la imago Dei centrado en la mente. Una construcción dinámica en De Trinitate 14.” Augustinus: revista trimestral publicada por los Padres Agustinos Recoletos 59 (2014): 219-254. [Translation of item 9]
  9. Yam, Cheuk-Yin and Anthony Dupont. “A Mind-Centered Approach of Imago Dei. A Dynamic Construction in Augustine’s De Trinitate XIV.” Augustiniana 62/3-4 (2012): 7-43.
  10. Yam, Cheuk-Yin and Anthony Dupont. “The Role of Imago Dei in Augustine’s Speaking of Trinity. A Study of the Neglected Book XV of De Trinitate.” La Ciudad de Dios. Revista Agustiniana 225/2 (2012): 325-59.
  11. Yam, Cheuk-Yin. “The Dynamism of Imago Dei in Augustine’s Anthropology and Trinity: A Study on De Trinitate XIV – XV.” Jiao Dao 36 (2011): 72-129.
  1. Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Review of Augustinus – Christentum – Judentum: Ausgewählte Stationen einer Problemgeschichte, edited by C. Müeller and G. Förster. Echter (Cassiciacum, 39; Res et Signa, 13).” Revue d’Histoire ecclésiastique (2021, forthcoming).
  2. Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Review of Desires in Paradise: An Interpretative Study of Augustine's City of God 14, by Adam Michael Trettel.” Augustiniana 71/3-4 (2021, forthcoming).
  3. Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Rezension zu: Karsten Junk, Der menschliche Geist und sein Gottesverhältnis bei Augustinus und Meister Eckhart.” Augustiniana 67 (2017), 319-325.
  4. Yam, Colten Cheuk-Yin. “Review of Augustine’s Early Theology of Image, by Gerard Boersma.” Augustiniana 66 (2016), 253-57.
  5. Yam, Cheuk-Yin and Anthony Dupont. “Review of Image, Identity, and the Forming of the Augustinian Soul, by Matthew Drever.” Review of Biblical Literature [http://www.bookreviews.org] (2015).