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Hongsheng Li 李鴻升
Assistant Professor |
8 papers accepted to ICCV
1 paper accepted to IEEE TPAMI
Serving as an area chair of NeurIPS 2021
9 papers accepted to CVPR 2021
1 paper accepted to ICLR 2021
1 paper (FocusNetv2) accepted to Medical Image Analysis
1 paper accepted to CoRL 2020
2 papers accepted to NeurIPS 2020
My supervised student, Mr. Shaoshuai Shi, has been awarded 2020 Google PhD Fellowship (the only awardee in Hong Kong S.A.R.). Congrats to Shaoshuai!
We have released OpenPCDet and OpenUnReID codebase, the highly-optimized modular toolboxes for LiDAR-based 3D object detection and unsupervised person re-identification.
Ph. D., 2008 - 2012, Computer Science, Lehigh University
M. Eng. student, 2006 - 2007, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System, Shanghai Jiao Tong Universtiy
B. Eng., 2002 - 2006, Automation, East China University of Science and Technology
Assistant Professor, Jul. 2018 - Present, Department of Electronic Enigneering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Huashan Scholar Chair Professor, Apr. 2020 - Present, School of Computer Science and Technology, Xidian University
Research Assistant Professor, Aug. 2015 - Jun. 2018, Department of Electronic Enigneering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Associate Professor, Jan. 2013 - Jul. 2015, School of Electronic Scicence, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Postdoctoral Fellow, Feb. 2014 - Jan. 2015, Department of Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Team Leader, Winner of ImageNet Video Object Detection/Tracking Challenge with provided data, 2016
Team Co-leader, Winner of ImageNet Video Object Detection Challenge with provided data, 2015
FastFPBP: code of fast CNN for pixelwise classification (arXiv:1412.4526) based on Caffe's original implementation.
PAMI14_ICCV11_matching_demo.zip: demo code for our T-PAMI'14 and ICCV'11 papers.
PAMI13_CVPR10_Matching_v0.1.zip: demo code for our T-PAMI'13 and CVPR'10 papers.