Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - 研究生


  1. Postgraduate Studentships Normally postgraduate studentship (PGS) will be awarded to all admitted full-time MPhil and PhD students during their normative period of study. The students are required to assist in teaching and research work as assigned by the department chairman.
  2. Government Grants and Loans Full-time students who have resided in Hong Kong for at least three years may apply for grants and loans of the Hong Kong Government. For more information, please visit http://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/sfo/tc/index.htm and http://www5.cuhk.edu.hk/oafa/index.php/scholarships
  3. Bursaries and Loans/Scholarships A limited number of bursaries and loans are available for students with emergent needs arising from sudden change of financial conditions. Funds are available only to full-time students who are Hong Kong permanent residents. There are also a number of scholarships, which are awarded to students with outstanding performance on competition basis. For details, please visit http://www.gs.cuhk.edu.hk/page/FeesandFinancialAids.


Admission Scholarships

Several scholarships will be awarded to newly admitted students with exceptional academic standing.

  1. Department Admission Scholarships
  2. George Chung Scholarship for M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering
  3. Victor Ng Scholarship for M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering

Graduation Scholarships

Students with outstanding academic performance during their course of study of the MSc Programme in Electronic Engineering will be awarded one of the following Graduation Scholarships.

  1. Department Graduation Scholarships
  2. Bright Future Charitable Foundation Scholarship for M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering
  3. Hamen Fan Scholarships for M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering
  4. Dr. Raymond Leung Scholarship for M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering
  5. Certificate of Merits

For details of admission requirements and procedure, please go to:
