Autumn Courses 2021

秋季課程 2021

Course Outline (Download)
pdf(Click Icon!)

(Last update on: 10 August 2021)
(最後更新日期:2021年 8月 10日)



University-Level Credit-bearing Course List
Category I – University-Level Credit-bearing Courses
Students who complete the course and meet its requirement can opt for credit exemption when studying at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
大學學分課程: 學生完成課程並達到科目要求,可保留大學學分,將來入讀中大時可申請豁免選修/指定科目學分。
Subject Course Details Target (in the academic year 2020-2021)
Statistics SAYT1006 Risk Management and Actuarial Science
Lecturer: Prof. CY Yau
Date: 4, 11, 18, 25 Sep, 2, 9* Oct 2021 (30 Hours)
Course Fee: $3,900
Promoting to or Studying S4-S6

Academy-Level Credit Course List
Category II – Academy-Level Credit-bearing Courses
Students can accumulate credits which will be regarded as “Other Learning Experience” when applying University.
學院學分課程: 學生可記錄頒授的學分以證明在中學課程外的科學學習經驗,他們報考大學及相關的課程。
Subject Course Details Target (in the academic year 2020-2021)
Life Sciences CUSA1003A Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: An Introduction
分子生物學和生物技術導論 2

Lecturer: Professor SK Kong
Date: 28, 29, 30, 31* Dec 2021 (17 Hours)
Course Fee: $3,320
Promoting to or Studying S6
who are interested in molecular biology
Life Sciences CUSA2013 Great Discoveries in Biomedical Sciences (Senior Class)
生物醫學大發現 (高級班)
Lecturer: Dr. FH Lo
Date: 13, 20, 27 Nov, 11* Dec 2021 (18 Hours)
Course Fee: $3,180
Promoting to or Studying S5-S6
who are interested in biomedical sciences
Life Sciences CUSA2023A Introduction to Bionics (Re-run)
Lecturer: Dr. KC Chung
Date: 30 Oct, 6, 20 Nov, 4, 11, 18, 23* Dec 2021 (18 Hours)
Course Fee: $3,380
Promoting to or Studying S2-S3
Life Sciences CUSA2043 An Ocean of Inspiration and Beauty
Lecturer: Dr. KC Chung
Date: 18, 25 Sep, 2, 9, 16, 23, 30* Oct 2021 (21 Hours)
Course Fee: $3,360
Promoting to or Studying S4-S6
Physics CUSA1035 Mysteries in the Atomic World
Lecturer: Dr. SS Tong
Date: 4, 11, 18 Dec 2021, 1* Jan 2022 (21 Hours)
Course Fee: $3,560
Promoting to or Studying S4-S6
who have basic knowledge on mechanics and waves
Physics CUSA1075 Wonderful World of Physics
Lecturer: Dr. LM Lin, Dr. PK Leung, Dr. YH Marco LAI

Date: 6, 13, 20, 27 Nov, 4, 11, 18* Dec 2021 (18 Hours)
Course Fee: $3,380
Promoting to or Studying S2-S3


Remark 備註:

*   This date is reserved for make-up classes in case there is any cancellation of classes due to unexpected circumstances.
因天氣或其他原因導致課堂取消, 將預留作後備上課日。 
1   Face-to-face classes at the CUHK campus will be arranged. It may switch to online teaching in accordance with the pandemic development and the policy of the university. The fee is not refundable or transferable once it was settled.
2   Only face-to-face classes at the CUHK campus will be arranged.




Application period 報名日期

CUSA2013 Great Discoveries in Biomedical Sciences (Senior Class)
CUSA2023 Introduction to Bionics
CUSA2043 An Ocean of Inspiration and Beauty
CUSA1035 Mysteries in the Atomic World
CUSA1075 Wonderful World of Physics
SAYT1006 Risk Management and Actuarial Science

2021年6月28日 - 7月23日 晚上11時59分
2021年7月26日 - 8月13日 晚上11時59分(第二輪報名)

Application period for above courses:  
28 June - 23 July 2021 (11:59pm)
26 July - 13 August 2021 (11:59pm) (second round application)

CUSA1003A Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: An Introduction

2021年7月26日 - 8月13日 晚上11時59分
2021年8月14日 - 9月24日 晚上11時59分 (已延長)

Application period for above courses:  
26 July - 13 August 2021 (11:59pm)
14 August - 24 September 2021 (11:59pm) (extended!)

(The application deadline has been extended!)



Application Fee 報名費
To complete the application, the student has to pay the application fee (i.e. HKD40 for each course).
Application fee is neither refundable nor transferable once the application is submitted.


Application Method 報名方法
Applicants should log in to SAYT online registration system to fill in the electronic form, upload the required documents, and pay the application fee. Applicants may apply for admission courses according to their grade levels and interests. If you wish to apply two or more courses, you must submit separate applications and avoid taking courses conducted at the same time.
申請者需登入SAYT網上報名系統,於網上填寫電子報名表、上載所須文件及繳交報名費。 申請人可按照自己的興趣和就讀年級報讀課程。如希望同時報讀兩個或以上的課程的申請人,必須就每個課程分別遞交申請表和報名費,請留意各課程的上課日期和時間,避免同時選修時間重疊的課程。

Please refer to application procedures for details 詳情請參閱申請程序

Admission 甄選
Each application will be examined by the course teacher. Selection for admission is based on the applicant’s school performance, public examination results, Extra-curricular Activities, Awards, and any relevant information about the course. Applicants will also be individually notified of their application results by email & Online Application System.
所有課程的申請,將由開科老師負責審閱,將根據申請人報名時所提供的有關資料 (如校內成績、公開試成績、課外活動、獎項、報讀的科目原因等),甄選合適的申請人參加課程。 申請結果於課程報名結束後一至二個月內,將以電郵通知,或可於網上報名系統查閱。


Other Important Notes 其他重要說明
If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between this website and other website or doucments, the content of this website shall prevail.

Please check this website regularly for any modifications and/or supplements which may be made.