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教職員 - 教職員





B.A., M.Phil. (HKU); D.Phil. (Oxon)

Email: | Tel: 3943-4276 | Office: KKB 225

Research Interests

  • Religion and literature in China
  • Theories and practices of religious translation 
  • Biblical reception in Chinese contexts 
  • Global Yijing (Book of Changes) studies


Research Projects

  • “Protestant Interpretations of the Yijing: A Comparative Study of Thomas McClatchie and James Legge in Late Qing China,” General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, 2020–2022. (Principal Investigator) (HK$403,000)


  • “Transforming Morality and Society: Chinese Jesuit Fiction and Drama in the Republican Era (1912–1937),” General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, 2015–2018. (Principal Investigator) (HK$428,356)


  • “Rediscovering the Lost Heritage: The Religious Poetics of the ‘New Age Novels’ (1895) and Its Far-reaching Impact on Chinese Literary Modernity,” General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, 2013–2016. (Principal Investigator) (HK$332,371)


  • “Chinese Christian Novels in Late Qing China (1807–1911): An Interdisciplinary Study of Religion and Literature,” General Research Fund, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, 2010–2013. (Principal Investigator) (HK$570,481) 


Most Representative Publications

  • An Annotated Anthology of the Yijing Commentaries by the Early Qing Jesuit Joachim Bouvet (in Chinese: 清初耶穌會士白晉《易經》殘稿選注) (Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2020). (refereed) (384 pages)


  • Literary Representations of Christianity in Late Qing and Republican China (Leiden: Brill, 2019). (Studies in Religion and the Arts Book Series; Volume 14) (refereed) (205 pages)


  • Gusheng Ruose Juben: An Annotated Anthology of Chinese Catholic Biblical Plays of the Republican Period (in Chinese: 古聖若瑟劇本──民國天主教聖經戲劇選輯) (Taipei: Rev. Dr. Lien-hwa Chow Memorial Foundation, 2019). (refereed) (736 pages)


  • Attuning the Gospel: Chinese Christian Novels of the Late Qing Period (in Chinese: 福音演義──晚清漢語基督教小說的書寫) (Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2017). (National Taiwan University (NTU) & Harvard-Yenching Institute (HYI) Academic Book Series; Volume 2) (refereed) (316 pages)


  • Negotiating Religious Gaps: The Enterprise of Translating Christian Tracts by Protestant Missionaries in Nineteenth-century China (Sankt Augustin: Institut Monumenta Serica, 2012). (refereed) (382 pages)


  • The Afterlife of a Classic: A Critical Study of the Late-Qing Chinese Translations of The Pilgrim’s Progress (in Chinese: 經典的轉生──晚清《天路歷程》漢譯研究) (Hong Kong: Christian Study Centre on Chinese Religion and Culture, 2012). (refereed) (327 pages)


  • “Wellspring of Inspiration: The Mandarin Union Version and Modern Chinese Poetry in the Early Twentieth Century,” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), Vol. 30, Issue 1 (January 2020), pp. 163–177.  


  • “Performing Religion: Chinese Catholic Biblical Drama in the Republican Era,” Journal of Chinese Religions(London and New York: Routledge), Vol. 45, no. 1 (May 2017), pp. 39–62. 


  • “Robert Morrison’s Chinese Literature and Translated Modernity,” in A New Literary History of Modern China, edited by David Der-wei Wang (Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press, 2017), pp. 56–62.


  • “Pilgrimage to Heaven: Timothy Richard’s Christian Interpretation of The Journey to the West,” in David Jasper, Youzhuang Geng and Wang Hai, eds. A Poetics of Translation: Between Chinese and English Literature (Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2016), pp. 59–72.


Other Projects, Achievements, and/or Awards

  • Research Excellence Award, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2020) (2011) 


  • The Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2017) (2015) (2014) (2013) (2011) (2010)


  • Harvard-Yenching Visiting Fellowship, Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University (2015–16)



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