
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Department of Electronic Engineering & Materials Science and Technology Research Center


Professor XU, Jianbin

Professor XU, Jianbin (J.B. XU) (許建斌教授)

Director of Materials Science and Technology Research Center

B.S., M.S.(Nanjing University (南京大学), China), Dr.rer.nat.( The University of Konstanz (德国康斯坦茨大学), Germany), FHKIE, SMIEEE, MAPS, MMRS, MHKMRS, MHKIS, MHKPS

Resume of Career:


Dr. Xu received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from Nanjing University in 1983 and 1986, respectively, in Physics and Electronic Science and Engineering, under the supervision of Prof. Shu-yi Zhang (Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences). Since 1988, he was highly privileged to study in the University of Konstanz (an elite university), particularly under the supervision of Prof. Klaus Dransfeld (Member of German Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina), former Director of Max-Plank Institute for Solid State Research, and Max-Plank Institute for High-Magnetic Fields). His doctoral dissertation was focused on the near-field sensing and nanoscopic energy transfer and heat transport associated with electronic processes. He earned his doctorate (Dr.rer.nat.) in 1993. Afterwards, he joined the Department of Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has been Professor in the department since the midst of 2002.

Dr. Xu has published extensively on advanced electronic and photonic materials and devices as well as on nanotechnology in peer-reviewed professional journals (over 230) and conferences (c.a. 50) as well as more than 200 presentations, including conference invited talks, colloquia, seminars, etc. The published papers have been extensively accessed and cited, as well as many topic reviews and monographs, and patents. Meanwhile, he has secured numerous competitive research grants. Also he actively participates in a myriad of professional activities and has served as symposium chair in several international conferences. Particularly, he has served as Member of International Advisory Committee, International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, China 2009 (ChinaNano 2009), and as Organizer of 2011 MRS Spring Meeting and 2013 ICNP/AOM. He is Fellow of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Senior Member of IEEE, the Secretary and Council Member of Hong Kong Materials Research Society, and Member of American Physical Society, Materials Research Society, Hong Kong Institution of Science, and Physical Society of Hong Kong. Since 2007, he has been Director of Materials Science and Technology Research Center in CUHK. From 2011, he has been Convener of Strategic Initiatives for Nano, Energy, and Materials in CUHK.

Dr. Xu is a recipient of Joint Research Fund for Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macau Scholars, funded by NSFC, a nationally prestigious award (formerly National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (Overseas Chinese)).




许建斌博士先后于1983年和1986年在南京大学获得理学学士及硕士学位。其硕士论文指导教授为张淑仪院士。1988年初赴德国康斯坦茨大学深造,师从德国著名固体物理学和应用物理学家 Klaus Dranfeld 教授 (德国科学院院士),主要从事纳米科学技术研究,特别是扫描探针显微术和近场显微术及其在能量传递方面的应用。1993年夏获得德国自然科学博士。

许建斌博士其后任职于香港中文大学电子工程系。2002年至今担任该系教授 。其间从事的研究领域包括扫描探针显微术和近场显微术及其在电子材料和器件中的应用,氧化物先进功能材料制备与表征,有机半导体材料与器件,电子材料与器件的界面工程,信息存储与功能传换器件,石墨烯及2维电子材料等。许建斌博士积极从事科研工作,在国际专业期刊上发表了230余篇学术论文,在各类国际专业学术会议文集上发表了50余篇论文,并作了各种类型会议报告近200次。同时,许建斌博士积极参与和组织国内外各类学术活动,曾多次协助组织了各类国际专业学术研讨会,其中包括2000年国际材料联合会第六届亚洲会议,2002年国际材料联合会第八次电子材料会议,2003年,2005年和2008IEEE电子器件与固态电子线路国际会议,2005年纳米光子学前沿国际研讨会,2009年北京国际纳米科技会议,2011年美国材料学会春季会议,2013INCP/AOM等。2007至今任香港中文大学材料研究中心主任2011年至今任工程学院纳米能源材料重大研究计划招集人。


[Since Dec. 15, 2005]

To Contact :

Postal Address: Room 404, Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong

Telephone: +852 3943-8297

Fax: +852 2603-5558 

E-mail: jbxu@ee.cuhk.edu.hk