Head’s Roundtable Dinner Chung Chi College

Established in the spring term 2016/17, the Head’s Roundtable Dinner provides a platform for students to learn from alumni and fosters interactions among the two groups. Distinguished Chung Chi alumni are invited to be the guest speakers to share with participants their insights and experience.


The dinner and discussion at the roundtable implying that everyone who sits there has equal status to share their views, regardless of their identities, backgrounds and cohort. Not only learning from the guest speakers, students can learn from each other by putting forward insightful ideas on the speakers’ sharing and any other topics. A mentor or an alumni will be invited to seat at each table to enhance the sharing and interaction.


The Head’s Roundtable Dinner is one of the College recognized “Alternative Activities to Assembly” (AAA).


Past programmes and guest speakers include:

Date Topic Guest Speaker
11/4/2019 TBC

Mr. LO Foo Cheung, JP (1970/Geography)

Founder and Chairman of FC Packaging Holding Ltd.

21/3/2018 May The Energy Be With You!

Mr. Patrick S LEE (1983/Marketing)

Executive Vice President, North-East Asia and Australasia, Intertek


Career Development –

The Holistic Approach

Mr. Anthony Ngai (2004/Quantitative Finance)

Head of Credit Trading, Asia Pacific, J.P. Morga;

Vice Chairman, Chung Chi College Alumni Association

21/9/2017 Success and Happiness

Prof. LEE Pui Leung Rance, OSE, JP (1965/Sociology)

Former Head of Chung Chi College & Former Master of Wu Yee Sun College

23/2/2017 A Looping Dream – My Journey of Teaching

Mr. MA Siu Leung, BBS, MH (1969/Mathematics)

CEO, Fung Kai Public School




  • (1st from the left) Guest speaker Mr. Patrick S LEE

  • Guest speaker Mr. Anthony Ngai

  • Guest speaker Prof. LEE Pui Leung Rance

  • (4th from the right) Guest speaker Mr. MA Siu Leung

  • Head’s Roundtable Dinner provides a platform for students to learn from alumni and fosters interactions among the two groups.

  • Head’s Roundtable Dinner provides a platform for students to learn from alumni and fosters interactions among the two groups.

  • Head’s Roundtable Dinner provides a platform for students to learn from alumni and fosters interactions among the two groups.

  • Head’s Roundtable Dinner provides a platform for students to learn from alumni and fosters interactions among the two groups.