Name | Description | Links |
CUHK01 | 971 identities, 3884 images, manually cropped | file_downloadDownload descriptionPaper view_listBibTex |
CUHK02 | 1816 identities, 7264 images, manually cropped | file_downloadDownload descriptionPaper view_listBibTex |
CUHK03 | 1360 identities, 13164 images, manually cropped + automatically detected | file_downloadDownload descriptionPaper view_listBibTex |
1. How to compute CMC?
We use one camera view as the probe set, and the other as the gallery set. For the gallery, we randomly sample one image for each identity. For the probe, we use all the images, getting the CMC curve for each of them, and then average over them. This evaluation process is repeated for 100 times and the mean value is reported as the final result. See the Matlab function for more details.
2. CMC curves in the paper DeepReID: Deep Filter Pairing Neural Network for Person Re-identification
Please download the curves data and an example python script to draw the figure from here.