Call for Applications: ACU Medical Student Virtual Mobility Grants (Deadline: 22 January 2021)

Application to the Medical Student Virtual Mobility Grants offered by the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) is now open. Staff members of the Faculty of Medicine are welcome to make use of the opportunity to organise virtual student mobility programmes for medical students.

ACU Medical Student Virtual Mobility Grants
Objective Provide funding for medical schools to deliver virtual mobility projects in partnership with medical schools at ACU member universities in other countries, with the aim of increasing students’ knowledge of global health.
Scope of projects
  • Students from the two partner institutions collaborating on an assessed project
  • A virtual event such as an online summer school
Grants Two grants of up to GBP 5,000 will be available. The grant will be split between the two collaborating universities. One grant will fund an exchange between a UK medical school and a medical school in a low or middle-income country, while the other grant has no geographical limitations.
Application Interested parties should submit an application online by 22 January 2021, 4pm UTC.
Website For more information, please visit the Medical Student Virtual Mobility Grants website.

For enquiries, please contact ACU at Applicants are advised to inform the Office of Academic Links (c/o Ms. Alice Leong; of their applications for record.

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