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Graduate Research Openings
There are openings for graduate students all year around in my group. I encourage prospective students with general interests in optoelectronics and computing to apply to the MPhil-PhD in Electronic Engineering program in CUHK. I‘d be happy to chat ahead of your applications via email or video chat.
Here is some useful information for your application:
MPhil-PhD in Electronic Engineering:
General Admissions Requirements:
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS):

Postdoc and Research assistant Openings
There are openings for postdoctoral fellows and Research assistant in my group. Please send me an email and we can discuss further.

Undergraduate Research Openings
We welcome undergraduates to participate in research projects and gain experience. I expect undergraduate researchers to be very self motivated and willing to tackle important problems. If you are equipped with some specific skills or have some creative ideas we agree on, please send me an email, and we can discuss further.