Awarded Distinguished Lectureship in Chinese Chemical Society - Prof. XU, Jian Bin
Prof. XU, Jian Bin has just been awarded the Distinguished Lectureship in Chinese Chemical Society in recognition of his contributions to understanding of moelcular materials and devices. Prof. Xu was invited to visit Beijing Institute of Chemsitry , CAS, which is currently the best basic research insitute of CAS.
01-06-2012 |
LI, Kun and ZHOU, Yue won the Global Scholarship 2012-13
LI, Kun and ZHOU, Yue, PhD students of Department of Electronic Engineering (Supervisor of both students: Prof. Meng QH), have been selected to receive an award under the Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence – CNOOC Grants for 2012-13. Mr Li is awarded a value of HK$50000 and undertake a research attachment at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, California Institute of Technology for 6 months starting January, 2013.
24-05-2012 |
Presentation ceremony for the 2011 Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship Awards ,Feb. 9,2012
Presentation ceremony for the 2011 Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship Award. One of the two awardees is Prof. Ngan K.N. 's student Ma Lin.
10-02-2012 |
PAN, Jia Xian received the Best Student Paper Award
PAN, Jia Xian, Ph.D. student from the Department of Electronic Engineering (Supervisor: Ma Wing Kin) has been awarded the Best Student Paper Award at 2011 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. The awarded paper is entitled "A Lagrangian dual relaxation approach to ML MIMO detection: Reinterpreting regularized lattice decoding" by PAN, Jia Xian and Ma Wing Kin.
03-01-2012 |