Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Department of Electronic Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award 2015

The Distinguished Alumni Awards are to recognize those former students who have made significant contributions to society and are regarded as good role models for students.

Award Criteria

The Committee will review the nominations and select those well-qualified candidates for Distinguished Alumni Awards based on the following criteria:

  1. Alumni of the Electronic Engineering;
  2. Have shown significant achievements that distinguish themselves amongst their professional peers;
  3. Are regarded as good role models for students;
  4. Have made good contributions to the advancement of technology and/or betterment of society.

After serious consideration, the following alumni were nominated for the Distinguished Alumni Award in 2015:

Award Presentation Ceremony

Date: 10 April 2015 (Friday)
Time: 17:00 - 18:15 (with tea reception starting at 16:00)
Venue: T.Y. Wong Hall, 5/F, Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building, CUHK
Participant: Welcome to all alumni and students

Composition of the Selection Committee for Distinguished Alumni Awards

Chairman: Chairman of the Department of Electronic Engineering
Members: Current Chairman of Alumni Association (Electronic Engineering)
Former Chairman of Alumni Association (Electronic Engineering)
Chairman or Member of Advisory Committee (Electronic Engineering)
A Former Academic Staff of the Department of Electronic Engineering
Two Current Academic Staff of the Department of Electronic Engineering nominated by the Department Board

To view profiles of Distinguished Alumni, please visit the Alumni Award Winners.

