The Chinese University of Hong Kong

公司/组织名称 职位 刊登日期 截止日期
UNIVISION ENGINEERING LIMITED Project Engineer / Assistant Project Engineer (ELV, Communication System) 2021-11-17 2021-12-01
Popular e-learning (HK) Limited Project Management, e-learning 2021-11-17 2021-12-01
Educational Publishing House, Limited Senior Editor (Maths) 2021-11-17 2021-12-01
樂思教育出版有限公司 高級編輯 / 項目編輯 (小學中文科) 2021-11-17 2021-12-01
Process Automation International Limited Software Engineer 2021-11-17 2021-12-01
Process Automation International Limited PLC Engineer 2021-11-17 2021-12-01