The web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for a social effect — to help people work together — and not as a technical toy. The ultimate goal of the Web is to support and improve our weblike existence in the world. We clump into families, associations, and companies. We develop trust across the miles and distrust around the corner.
—Tim Berners-Lee, Weaving The Web
XFN puts a human face on linking. As more people have come online and begun to form social networks, services such as Technorati and Feedster have arisen in an attempt to show how the various nodes are connected. Such services are useful for discovering the mechanical connections between nodes, but they do not uncover the human relationships between the people responsible for the nodes.
XFN outlines the relationships between individuals by defining a small set of values that describe personal relationships. In HTML and XHTML documents, these are given as values for the rel
attribute on a hyperlink. XFN allows authors to indicate which of the weblogs they read belong to friends, whom they've physically met, and other personal relationships. Using XFN values, which can be listed in any order, people can humanize their blogrolls and links pages, both of which have become a common feature of weblogs.
In sufficiently modern browsers, authors using XFN can easily style all links of a particular type; thus, friends could be boldfaced, co-workers italicized, and so on. It is also the hope of the authors that this practice becomes widespread enough to allow the creation of a service that charts personal (as opposed to purely mechanical) links between weblogs and the people responsible for them.
Joe is just getting started in the blogging world, and has a set of five links in his blogroll: his girlfriend Jane; his friends Dave and Darryl; industry expert James, who Joe briefly met once at a conference; and MetaFilter.
The links in Joe's blogroll would look something like this:
<a href="" rel="sweetheart date met">Jane</a>
<a href="" rel="friend met">Dave</a>
<a href="" rel="friend met">Darryl</a>
<a href="">MetaFilter</a>
<a href="" rel="met">James Expert</a>
MetaFilter gets no value since it does not represent an actual person. The others in the list are given space-separated values appropriate to the link target. Thus, since Joe is dating his sweetheart Jane (who he has, perhaps not surprisingly, also met in person) he gives the link to her the values sweetheart date met
. If Joe were not as committed to Jane, and in fact dated other people from time to time, then the sweetheart
value would be dropped.
Adam and Brad have met each other through mutual acquaintances, and had a few interesting conversations at parties where they found they had several interests in common. They have linked to each other as follows:
<a href="" rel="met friend">Brad</a>
<a href="" rel="met acquaintance">Adam</a>
Note that while values such as friend
are defined to be symmetric, this does not require that links between blogs be of the same types. Here, Adam feels Brad is a friend, but Brad has classified Adam as an acquaintance.
Similarly, symmetric values can be one-way. For example, let's say Adam decides he has a crush on Brad. He then updates his link as follows:
<a href="" rel="met friend crush">Brad</a>
If Brad is not attracted to Adam, then obviously he won't add a similar XFN value to his link to Adam. If he is, though, he could add a crush
value to his link to Adam. Any service that charted XFN values could notice this, and add their names to a "mutual attraction" list. A sufficiently advanced service might e-mail both Adam and Brad to point out that they seem to have a mutual attraction.
Let's consider a closed group of five people, all of whom link to each other but to nobody else. The members of this group are:
We'll further assume all these people are blogging, and have blogrolls that list all the other members of the group. In the first example, Ingrid would have the following links:
<a href="" rel="friend met">Josh</a>
<a href="" rel="met acquaintance">Kat</a>
<a href="" rel="co-worker friend met">Mary</a>
<a href="">Nick</a>
Note the lack of a rel
attribute for Nick. Since none of the defined XFN values apply to Nick (from Ingrid's point of view), no rel
is needed. If Ingrid and Nick ever do meet in person, she can simply add rel="met"
to the link.
The rel
values between these group members would be as follows: Ingrid | Josh | Kat | Mary | Nick | |
From Ingrid... | x | friend met | acquaintance met | co-worker friend met | |
From Josh... | friend met | x | parent met | crush muse met | friend met |
From Kat... | colleague met | child met | x | friend colleague met | acquaintance met |
From Mary... | co-worker friend met | met | friend colleague met | x | met |
From Nick... | friend met | crush met | met | x |
This set of relationships can also be graphically represented in a variety of ways.
For example, a simple chart of the people who have met each other could look like this. |
![]() |
It would also be possible to graph the friendship and acquaintance links in the set. In the following figure, a thick green line indicates friendship, whereas a thinner gray line indicates acquaintanceship. If a line is dashed and has an arrowhead, then the link is one-way; that is, only one of the two people has claimed the relationship. |
![]() |
Similarly, we could graph professional relationships. Here, thick gray lines indicate co-workers, whereas thin gray lines denote colleagues. As before, a dashed line with an arrowhead indicates a one-way link. |
![]() |
For that matter, the love and familial links between the group member could be represented. Here, a red line indicates a crush, and a blue line represents a familial link. In this scenario, familial links are drawn from parent to child. |
![]() |
There are many other ways to graph the group, of course, and many other ways to represent the links. We considered making lines between family members look like a double helix, for example.
With a CSS2-aware browser, it is possible to style links based on their rel
values. Let's take another look at Ingrid's links:
<a href="" rel="friend met">Josh</a>
<a href="" rel="met acquaintance">Kat</a>
<a href="" rel="co-worker friend met">Mary</a>
<a href="">Nick</a>
Suppose Ingrid wants to boldface any link to a friend, underline any link to a co-worker, and italicize any link to someone who is an acquaintance. Using the attribute selector syntax defined in CSS2.1, the following stylesheet would meet her goals:
a[rel~="friend"] {font-weight: bold;}
a[rel~="co-worker"] {text-decoration: underline;}
a[rel~="acquaintance"] {font-style: italic;}
The resulting links would look something like this:
It is also possible to use advanced CSS2 to insert content before or after elements. This can be used to recreate the practice of "starring" links to people physically met as follows:
a[rel~="met"]:after {content: " *";}
This will insert a space and an asterisk after every link that has an XFN value of met
. The advantage is that it removes the need to manually add the asterisk in the blogroll source itself, while strengthening the social network at the same time. Applying just that rule to Ingrid's links might have an effect something like this:
An XFN spider or crawler must at a minimum:
, <base />
, xml:base
).<a href>
, <link />
) with 'rel
' attributes with values defined by XFN, while ignoring unknown values. Note that the HTML 'rel
' attribute is a space separated set of values. A more advanced XFN spider might do one or more of the following:
<a href>
and </a>
tags, the 'title
' attribute of <a href>
and <link />
elements) for an informative name of the target of the relationship.<meta>
in HTML or XHTML documents), specifically for the "author" (e.g. Dublin Core 'author' or (X)HTML's <meta name="author" content="NameGoesHere" />
). Note that such names should be preferred to names derived from links as described in the previous point.