CUHK eNews | Aug 2021
World’s first AI-derived brain MRI indexes for detection of early cognitive disorders
CU Medicine has harnessed the power of AI and MRI to enable easier detection of early Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. As the discovery facilitates treatment to begin sooner, new hope has been given to millions of elderly patients worldwide.
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First Chinese scientist awarded Royal Medal in biological sciences
Prof. Dennis Lo from CU Medicine was recently awarded the Royal Medal 2021 for making a major impact on prenatal diagnosis by discovering fetal DNA in maternal plasma, developing non-invasive prenatal testing, and making foundational contributions for other types of liquid biopsies. He is the first Chinese scientist ever to receive the Medal in biological sciences.
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Other Stories
Demystify the secret of successful international collaboration
International collaboration often takes research to new heights. CUHK and the University of Sydney hosted a joint webinar to showcase successful international partnerships. Collaborators from both universities shared their keys to success and offered advice to early-career researchers for developing their global networks.
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Cure for liver cancer from within
Liver cancer is the third leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide, but only around 15% of patients respond to immunotherapy. The School of Biomedical Sciences has developed a new combined-immunotherapy using an inhibitor of a cancer-promoting gene, together with immune checkpoint inhibitors, for treatment of liver cancer. The breakthrough also gives hope to patients with other immune-excluded cancers, such as ovarian and pancreatic cancers.
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Partnership with industry gives boost to 5G and smart city development
In a partnership with the industry, the Faculty of Engineering has launched a new multi-cloud storage system that offers greater security and connectivity in the market. The technology will promote 5G communications and smart city development in Hong Kong.
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School of Architecture wins international sustainability award
The One University One Village team of the School of Architecture has won the 2021 International Green Gown Awards in the category ‘Benefitting Society’ for its village improvement projects in mainland China. Supported by the United Nations Environment Programme, the awards competition is the most prestigious recognition of sustainability best practices in the global education sector.
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Unlocking plant genetic codes to resist climate change
The School of Life Sciences has uncovered a mechanism that allows plants to withstand environmental stresses caused by climate change, using state-of-the-art single particle cryo-electron microscopy technology. The findings show that improvements in crop production can be made by enhancing the tolerance of crop plants towards heat.
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Eyes on early intervention for child autism
CUHK has developed a convenient, non-invasive and painless technology that can quickly assess the risk of autism spectrum disorder simply by analysing the fundus images of children’s eyes. The technology is currently used as a community risk assessment tool for health promotion and disease prevention, including chronic diseases such as stroke and cognitive health problems, bringing substantial impact to society.
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Recognitions for research excellence
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Appointments of Pro-Vice-Chancellors
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Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office – Sustainable Development Matters 2021
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CUHK Business School – CUHK Business (Jun 2021)
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20 Jul 2021
Agrobiotechnology Talk Series: Co-benefits of sustainable food production, consumption and trade to mitigate air pollution, climate change and food insecurity
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27 Jul 2021
The Internationalist Podcast Series of the Association of Commonwealth Universities: The future of the campus
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4-5 Sep 2021
International Digestive Disease Forum 2021
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13 Sep 2021
UQ-CUHK Health Equity Webinar Series: Healthy ageing in a changing world
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