CodeCourse OfferingSEEM3680/ ESTR3512
TitleLong Course TitleTechnology, Consulting and Analytics in Practice實用科技諮詢及分析
OverviewLong Description This course presents students with a broad overview of the latest technologies, e.g. cloud computing, social media, mobile applications, etc. that are impacting the business world everyday.  Students are presented with case studies to illustrate how advanced technologies are used in solutions to real-world problems.  Students will be presented with opportunities to adopt design thinking techniques to come up with innovative ideas for problem-solving, and optionally create pilot implementations of their design.  The SEEM department will invite participation by industry leaders and practitioners to share their insights in this course.這科目的是向學生介紹業界最新資訊科學技術,如雲端運算、社交媒體技術、移動計算等,並教授如何將科技應用在商業社會中,解決日常生活的問題。向學生介紹案例研究,以說明如何在解決現實問題的過程中使用先進技術。 學生將有機會採用設計思維技巧,提出解決問題的創新思路,並可選擇創建他們設計的試驗性實施。本學系亦會邀請業界領導和專家作經驗分享。
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK