Call for application
The following programmes are open for application:
Eurasia-Pacific Uninet Ernst Mach Grant for PhD Students and Post-Docs
The Eurasia-Pacific Uninet (EPU) is inviting applications from PhD students and post-docs of CUHK for a research scholarship programme for 2021-22. The programme provides support to PhD students and post-docs undertaking short-term research attachments at one of the EPU member institutions in Austria.
Terms of Award
- Duration of visit:
- 1-9 months for PhD students
- 1-6 months for post-docs
- Value of award:
- €1,050 per month for PhD students
- €1,150 per month for post-docs
- The award is meant to cover accident and health insurance, accommodation, visa, daily-life and travel expenditures. Recipients may receive an additional travel subsidy of up to €1,000.
- Recipients are exempted from tuition fees.
- The OeAD (Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation) will provide logistic support on health insurance as well as accommodation.
Eligible Fields of Study / Research
- Agricultural Sciences
- Arts
- Human Medicine, Health Sciences
- Humanities
- Natural Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Technical Sciences
Interested applicants should submit their application online. The closing date is 1 October, 2021. Shortlisted applicants will be invited for an interview. Please visit here for more details.
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Konstanze Pirker by email (Konstanze.pirker@oead.at). Applicants are advised to submit a copy of their applications to the Office of Academic Links (c/o Ms. Alice Leong; hyleong@cuhk.edu.hk) for necessary follow-up.
ACU Gender Grants
The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Gender Grants are awarded annually to member universities, including CUHK, to support initiatives that will boost gender equity and equality on campus. Staff members who are involved in supporting gender equity and equality are welcome to apply.
Grants of up to GBP 1,000 will be awarded for each project. The grants can be used for a diverse range of projects, workshops, and events in areas such as:
- Supporting women in leadership
- Raising awareness of sexual harassment and developing anti-sexual harassment initiatives
- Supporting women in science and research
- Creating effective institutional policies
- Mainstreaming gender equity into the curriculum
Applications should be submitted via the online application system. The application will close on 4 October 2021 at 23:59 UTC.
For further information, please refer to the webpage. For enquiries, please send an email to gender@acu.ac.uk. Applicants are advised to send a copy of their application to the Office of Academic Links (c/o Ms. Lai Ching Yee; chingyee@cuhk.edu.hk) for record.
CUHK-Stanford University CASBS Partner Fellowship Program
CUHK and Stanford University’s Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) have a Partner Fellowship Program which provides an opportunity for CUHK faculty members to take part in a residential fellowship at Stanford University that fosters interdisciplinary intellectual exchange and contributes to advancing research and thinking in the social sciences. Fellows represent the core social and behavioral sciences (anthropology, economics, history, political science, psychology and sociology) as well as the humanities, education, linguistics, communications, and the biological, natural, health, and computer sciences. The selected fellows will spend nine months at CASBS, where they will meet with fellows from diverse academic disciplines worldwide. The program will strengthen their academic network and facilitate collaborations across academia, policy, industry, civil society, and government to collectively design a better future.
The program is now inviting applications for 2022-23 from full-time faculty members with at least three to four years past the doctorate or equivalent degree (official visit period: September 2022-May 2023). Interested applicants should apply to CASBS directly via the online application portal and submit required materials by 5 November 2021. For more details, please refer to the program webpage.
An online information session will be held on 8 October at 10:30am. Past awardees of the CUHK-Stanford University CASBS Fellowship Program and the Clare Hall Visiting Fellowship Program at the University of Cambridge will be invited to share their experience. Interested applicants are encouraged to join the session to learn more about these two programs. Please click here for registration.
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Olivia Kwok, Office of Academic Links, on 3943-1315 or at oliviakwok@cuhk.edu.hk.