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WUN Development & Funding


WUN Research Development Fund

The WUN Research Development Fund (RDF) is an annual scheme that provides one year of seed funds to foster research collaborations among WUN members with a view to stimulating larger projects that will strengthen WUN and making the collaborating partners competitive for major external grants. The research topics normally address one or more of the one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and fall within the scope of the Global Challenges (Global Higher Education and Research, Public Health, Responding to Climate Change, and Understanding Cultures).


RDF 2021

Internal application to RDF 2021 is closed. Please click here to learn more about the scheme.


CUHK Research Mobility Programmes

The University has established a number of schemes to foster researcher mobility with overseas institutions, including WUN member universities, with the aim of building deeper collaborations. These schemes include:

  • Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence (for PhD students)
  • PhD Student Exchange Programme
  • Short-term Faculty Exchange Programme
  • Internationalisation Faculty Mobility Schemes

PhD students and faculty members are encouraged to utilise these schemes to support their new or existing collaborations with WUN member universities. For more information, please click here.


WUN at CUHK Contact

To learn more about opportunities provided through the WUN for CUHK researchers, please visit WUN’s website or contact:

Ms. Shally Fan
Director of Academic Links
Tel:  +852 3943 7586
Email: shallyfan@cuhk.edu.hk

Ms. Yvonne Heung
Programme Manager
Tel: +852 3943 4371
Email: yvonneheung@cuhk.edu.hk