In memory of Prof LI Duan and to carry on his unswerving pursuit of both research and education, the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management (SEEM) will establish a memorial scholarship fund under Duan’s name. The scholarship will be given to selected candidates in SEEM. We are now soliciting donations and contributions to this scholarship fund.
Donations can be made at the website of the Office of Institutional Advancement (OIA) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong at https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/forms/forms/18.aspx.
For the “Donation Purpose”, please select “Others” and type in “Professor LI Duan Memorial Scholarship / 李端教授紀念獎學金” in the “Remarks” box. Please see below :

Please note that if the donation payment is credit card , donor will be connected to the payment gateway for filling credit card information after confirming the details of donation and clicking “Confirm” button.